【禁闻】2岁童看“新闻联播” 众人担忧

【新唐人2011年5月4日讯】十三岁武汉少年黄艺博,最近爆红网路。因为他两岁开始看“新闻联播”,七岁开始读“人民日报”“参考消息”,据说他在重要期刊上发表一百多篇文章,并把稿费赠送给孤寡老人。 这样一个“又红又专”的优秀典型却遭到众人嘲讽担忧。












Kid’s Peculiarity Exposes Ailing Education

A 13-year-old Wuhan child Huang Yibo got famous
on the Internet, as he began to watch CCTV news at 2
and read People’s Daily at 7. He published 100+ articles
so far, with all his royalties donated to the elderly.
However, such a talent was instead mocked by netizens.

As a junior high student in a boarding school, Huang
was glorified with titles like National top 100 Excellent
Teenagers. He is regarded a classical model of good
student and filial son. He was also the deputy
team leader of Yong Pioneers in Wuhan City.

In photo, he looked like an official when dressed
in uniform and sat in a headquarter office reading
documents. His father said he never played any games
but read domestic or international news when online.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily said, some netizens mocked
that watching too much Communist (CCP)’s news
would damage one’s brain. The CCTV’s prime time news

has so much propaganda as to kill people’s creativity.

China’s economic scholar Li Huafang said to RFA,
it is worrisome for a minor to be dragged on like this
by the state media day after day.

Li said, for ideological education, it is the parents’
responsibility to guide the kids with multiple options,
and let the kids know the existence of other media
other than People’s Daily and those controlled by state.

Why was such a good student under the CCP’s education
system mocked by many people? This is because many
developed negative perception towards CCP’s so-called
“good cadres”, “good students” and “good successors.”

There was indeed material temptation to become
a servile tool of the CCP.

Sun Wenguang, retired professor of Shangdong Univ.
told RFA, these people are given priority for college,
military, and government jobs. The CCP begins to instill
its ideology even to children in the kindergarten,
forming some so-called progressive figures. In fact,
they are CCP’s servile tools. Sun said, such an example
before was Lei Feng, who was stupid when looking back.

Shi Shusi wrote on the Financial Network, “Huang Yibo’s
popularity signifies that Chinese education is ailing.
Shi said, Huang’s growth path is one of utilitarianism
and distorted values. Expedited by the school, parents
and the society, Huang got “mature” too soon: He chanted
perfect slogans, shouldered sacred responsibility and
fulfilled a social responsibility beyond his age.
He finally lost his innocence and childlike genuineness.
Huang’s peculiarity exposed the fact that the CCP’s
education was at the expense of distorting humanity.

Nevertheless, not all people are willing to receive
the CCP’s indoctrinated education. Every year, a large
number of Tibetan children risk their lives fleeing to
Dharamsala in India to receive Tibetan education.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Liu Hui
