【禁闻】迫害持续12年 中共高层在干什么?
















Top Officials In Support of Persecution?

In 1999, Jiang Zemin, former General Secretary
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
launched a brutal persecution on Falun Gong.
It has been 12 years and the CCP leaders
have changed three times. Jiang was forced
out of power, however the persecution continues.
The outsiders cannot help but ask:
Is only Jiang’s faction participating in this?
What have the other three leaders done?

Since 1992, Falun Gong spread very fast due to its
physical and mental benefits to the practitioners.
Qiao Shi, a former National People’s Congress,
did an investigation in 1998, and concluded that
Falun Gong will benefit all citizens and harm none.
In 1999, there are 70 million Falun Gong followers,
including some senior officials and their families.

From 1996, the media and the public security
started to frame, monitor and harass Falun Gong.
In April, 1999, He Zuxiu, a relative of Luo Gan,
secretary of Central Political and Law Commission,
published slandering articles in a Tianjin magazine.
Falun Gong practitioners were assaulted
and arrested when trying to clarify the truth.

On April 25, 1999, more than 10,000 Falun Gong
practitioners gathered in Beijing to peacefully appeal
to the State Council. Prime Minister Zhu Rongji
met with them and the problem was basically solved.
That evening over 40 practitioners were released.

Zhang Erping (Falun Gong Spokesman):
“They were treated unfairly by police in Tianjin.
It is their constitutional right to gather and appeal.
They did not ask anything of a political nature
from the government.”

On that same evening of April 25, Jiang Zemin
wrote a letter to Politburo, insisting on repression.
The letter titled, “A new Signal” is included in
the 2nd volume of “Selected Works of Jiang Zemin".

Zhang Tianjiang , a current event commentator,
was there: “The simple reason why Jiang Zemin
wanted to persecute Falun Gong is the many
practitioners. All others reasons mentioned later on
were made up by Jiang Zemin.”

In July 1999, Jiang Zemin launched the persecution
of Falun Gong. In the popular publication
“Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"
is stated: “From Politburo Standing Committee,
Jiang Zemin was the only one of seven members
insisting on repression. Jiang Zemin
and the communist party were taking advantage
of each other. Using evil means to deal
with Falun Gong and at the same time
destroying the fundamental basis of the regime.”

Wu Fan (China Affairs’ Editor-in-Chief):
“Falun Gong encountered a massacre
from the communist party. Besides Jiang Zemin,
many levels of party members and 610 Offices
in all levels have taken part in the persecution.
Now Jiang is no longer in power, but the CCP
and its current leaders have to face Falun Gong.”

In November 2002, Jiang Zemin was forced to exit
his core leadership of the CCP. In 2004, he had
to give up his commanding power of the military.
In the 15th, 16th and 17th sessions of the central
leadership, many high level officials
openly supported the persecution of Falun Gong.

Bao Tong (Secretary of Zhao Ziyang):
“I think the persecution of Falun Gong is a tragedy.
If we did not recognize it then, why not correct it?
This injustice will be reflected in history
with it’s anti-humane nature.”

WikiLeaks disclosed that the Chinese officials
are worried about being taken to courts overseas.
Information reveals that there are over 50 lawsuits
in 30 countries brought by Falun Gong practitioners
for “crime against humanity”, “torture”, “genocide”.
More than 30 high level officials are defendants,
including Zeng Qinghong, Luo Gan, Bo Xilai,
Zhou Yongkang and Li Changchun.

Chen Po Kong (Analyst):
“In actuality, the top level of the CCP is splitting.
The nine members of Politburo Standing Committee
have their own agendas: some want to gain profits,
others to avoid total downfall or leave some legacy.”

Currently, more than 93 million people have quitted
the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
However, the persecution still continues.
Falun Gong practitioners are pointing out
that high level officials should use this opportunity
to quit the party and avoid future regrets.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Bo Ni
