【禁闻】“公款八大吃喝” 曝光体制缺陷

【新唐人2011年4月22日讯】媒体最近曝光了一些 “公款八大吃喝”的腐败照片。尽管温家宝决定公开中央财政决算,接受社会监督,但有关人士认为,由于体制问题,仅靠个人呼吁,难起实际作用。











CCP’s “Privileged Corruption"

Recently have appeared exposing photos of CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) cadres’ decadent lives
paid for by public funds.
CCP’s Premier Wen Jiabao announced
to make public the central government’s accounts.
However, analysts believe that due to the system,
personal appeals alone cannot have any effects.

According to the media, a CCP secretary
at a hydro bureau spent 1/3 of his office time
having his feet massaged;
a subsidiary of Sinopec spent millions on wine;
a governmen delegation simply traveled
and dined on a 4-day training trip;
a cadre spends RMB4 million public funds everyday.

Data shows that in 1989 CCP officials spent
RMB37 billion of public funds on themselves.
In 2004 the amount reached RMB370 billion.
The next year it almost doubled to RMB600 billion.

China’s wealth gap is constantly widening.
The population in poverty is always increasing.
According to CCP’s official data,
40 million people are classified as “absolutely poor"
and 270 million people are low-incomers.
According to international standards set by UN,
China has over 200 million absolutely poor people.

Economic Professor in Beijing, Hu Xingdou:
“Due to China’s current rapid financial growth and
excessive spending, the state has became rich,
while the people remain poor.
Cadres’ public fund spending is a large proportion
of the state expenditure. If these trillions of RMB
can be used on people’s livelihood, China can have
good state pension and health care systems."

Wen has also decided on a State Council meeting,
that from June 2011, CCP central governments’
public fund expenditures would be made public.
The expenditures pertain to cadres’ overseas trips,
purchases of vehicles for work and receptions.

Current issues commentator Tian Qizhuang said,
that in the recent 30 years public fund expenditures,
continued to increase instead of being checked.
Authorities don’t take actions in response to this,
and haven’t issued orders to stop the expenditures.
It is almost impossible to have any real effect.

Public fund expenditures are “privileged corruption",
as they stem from the current political system.
However, well-known legal scholar Dr. Wang Yong
proposes a different view.

Wang believes, in China the failure to eradicate
public fund expenditures is a result
of CCP bureaucracy’ special place in the society.
CCP regime is a top-down centralized system.
Local governments are accountable to the central.
The central needs to transfer sufficient benefits
to local governments, in exchange for their loyalty.
Thus, the regime can be maintained.

A typical example is the investments in China.
The government’s portion is becoming larger.
In comparison with public fund spending,
governmental investments are one big black hole.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Xiao Yu.
