【禁闻】民选村长遭砍杀 村官选举被操控






姚立法:“为什么出现这种情况?就是法律不保障选举的公正,而且社会特别是执政当局,它不保障选举的公正—— 一个是法律上的问题,一个是基层执政的当局,他们不保护公正,甚至它们成了邪恶势力的保护伞,当然才出现这种情况。”

姚立法从1987年开始,先后四次自我推荐参选湖北潜江市人大代表,最终当选,当选人大代表后,姚立法自费印刷《谁当村官 村民说了算》等小册子免费派发给农民,并组织农民学习《选举法》和自荐人大代表的细节等。




China’s Pseudo Village Elections

Village elections with Chinese characteristics
are taking place at present in many parts of China.
Some elections took only 5 minutes, others
were controlled by authorities, and some were even
bought with money. More surprisingly
people’s favorite officials are being hunted down
by the underworld. Because law and authorities
are not interested in maintaining elections’ fairness,
village elections are only a pseudo democracy.

Village elections in China have many problems;
the most absurd election in Shandong
took 5 minutes to complete the process.
In another village, the winner was stabbed
more than 20 times at home. Some said
that he was the backbone of human rights.

In Guangdong, several villages’ rights candidate
did not win, and the authority-backed candidates
took offices. From the base level, local authorities
are biased against people’s representatives
and they manipulate the process.
Now many villages want to join forces to protest.

Election expert Yao Lifa believes that in rural areas,
serious problems exist. One is “No Laws,”
or ifs official organizations deprive citizens of their
voting rights, there is no law to restrain them.

Another problem is that the elections are controlled
by a few people or the underworld. As a result,
elections lack fairness, transparency and supervision.

Yao Lifa (ex-member of Hubei People’s Congress):
“When an election does not follow the procedure,
it will not be fair and transparent.
How do you monitor a secret operation?
It does not act before the voters or the public eye.
Current elections in China are terrible;
they have formalities and go through steps
but have no substance. Our farmers
are just window dressings for pseudo democracy.”

In last year’s “Yue Qing incident,” he gave his life
for right activist Qian Yunhui. As for the popular
candidates, after being elected they suffer
from suppression and life threatenings. Yao said
that when popular candidates become officials,
this interferes with interests of the underworld,
thus, revenge and suppression are on their way
to deny the outcomes of the elections.

Yao Lifa (ex-member of Hubei People’s Congress):
“Why is this happening? That is when the law,
especially the ruling authorities, do not guarantee
the impartiality of an election – fist it questions
the law, and second it is about the low level
authorities, they do not want to guarantee fairness.
When they fail to protect the just,
they become the umbrella of the evil forces.”

Since 1987 Yao was four times self-recommended
candidate as a member of Hubei People’s Congress,
and ultimately elected. He educated farmers with
his pamphlets: “Villagers have the final say who
the officials should be.” Meanwhile he also
organized farmers to learn the election law
and how to become a self-recommended
member of the People’s Congress.

On September 2004 Yao Lifa accepted an invitation
from the U.S. State Department to observe a U.S.
presidential election. His legends and the injustice
he exposed with illegal dealings in China’s elections
were all being written in his book “I Oppose:
A Legend of A Member of People’s Congress.”

Yao thinks the representatives who are elected
by unfair means from a low level also lose
their legitimacy for the next elections.
Therefore, there is no real elections in China,
only pseudo democracy in various forms and shapes.

NTD reporters Li Jing, Song Feng and Bo Ni
