【禁闻】老虎对付婴儿? 中共为何怕艾未未


英国《泰晤士报》4月7号刊登专栏作家大卫•阿罗诺维奇(David Aaronovitch)的文章。文章质问中共:为什么要抓艾未未?他有什么好让你担心的?















Tiger to Baby: Why Communists Fear Mr. Ai Weiwei

Chinese officials finally responded to the international
pressure, after Chinese artist Ai Weiwei have gone
missing for a few days. The Chinese foreign
ministry claimed that the international society has no
right to criticize the incident of Ai Weiwei, and
reiterated Ai Weiwei’s involvement in economic crimes.
Western media believe that the differentiating strength
of both parties, equates to a tiger dealing with a baby,
they can hardly understand why the CCP
fears Ai Weiwei?

on April 7 British “Times" published an article by
columnist David Aaronovitch, in which he questioned
why did the CCP arrested Ai Weiwei and what makes
them so afraid.

David asked at the beginning, who will win the battle
between a tiger and a baby?

David also listed qualities of both sides, one side is
CCP which have 3 million soldiers, 73 million party
members, and the other is just a bearded artist
who likes to Twitter.

The article finally said, from Mussolini to Gaddafi,
from Mubarak to Honecker, these dictators all have
one thing in common, that is they have countless
reasons not to give up power, but those ‘Ai Weiwei’
have their own ways to let them give up power.

Hong Lei Mainland China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman
said on the 7th, the international society has no right
to interfere with the case of Ai Weiwei.
Hong Lei claimed again Ai Weiwei was suspected of
economic crimes, and public security departments
are investigating him.

Prior to this, Ai Weiwei’s mother GaoYing has issued
a missing person’s notice for Ai Weiwei. When she
learned that her son was accused of economic crimes
she could not understand it.

Gao Ying said why was he suspected of economic
crimes? He did not do any business. He just sells his
artwork and uses the money to make more artwork.
Even if he had economic issues, is it necessary to use
these kinds of methods on him. If you read the
newspaper, those important cases of Chinese economic
Crimes, are in the number of several billion, those are
the country and taxpayers money. My son is just
an artist, how much money can he own? Moreover,
he spent his money mostly on others.

GAO Ying believes that this is merely the imposition
of “unwarranted" charges to deceive the public.
Gao Ying also said that the government had
already investigated his accounts last year, and found
no problems.

Ai Weiwei’s sister Gao Ge clearly pointed out that
the allegations of economic crimes is ridiculous, she
believes that the government had long ago
intrigued on “how to deal with Ai Weiwei. “

On 7th Ai Weiwei’s wife Lu Qing also sent a letter to
the Beijing police, asking the whereabouts of her
husband, but there is no result. She said she would
also write to the court, the prosecutor’s office and
the Bureau of Justice.

In the early morning of 7th, mainland official media
Xinhua News Agency made a brief English news,
said Ai Weiwei “is being investigated according to
law for the alleged economic crimes ." But the report
was soon deleted.

A netizan commented, don’t delete the reports
if you have the guts. Is it because they still haven’t
come up an accusation? What exactly is (CCP) afraid of?

“Radio France Internationale" reported, on the 7th,
the European Parliament held an emergency meeting
regarding the detention of Ai Weiwei. The meeting
adopted a resolution “calling on Chinese authorities
to immediately release Ai Weiwei. " As for Chinese
authorities arrested Ai Weiwei with alleged economic
crimes, the European congressmen said it was a
political suppression by Communist dictatorship in
the name of “economic crime".

The United States, France, Germany, UK and other
countries also issued a call for the Chinese
government to release Ai Weiwei immediately.

NTD reporters Li Qian and Zhou Ping
