【禁闻】抗议当局管制 中国大学生热衷翻墙














Chinese Students Want To Know the Truth

In the wake of Tomb-sweeping Day, universities
in China reportedly tightened control over students
in group excursions, even over a stroll in the city.
The proxy software unlocks the enclosed world
for their freedom. As to how university students view
the action of Internet circumvention to learn the truth
abroad and why they do so, let’s take a look.

According to overseas media, in order to prevent
students from democratic actions,
CCP (Chinese Communist Part) issued some bans
upon universities such as no group excursions,
congregations, demonstration or parade
during Tomb-sweeping Day. Proxy software hence
became their first choice to gain true information.

Jing is a university student of English School.
In an interview she categorically talks about
the frequent use of proxies among her peers
as an action against the strict school
authority control over truthful information.

Jing: “Students do socializing on overseas websites
via proxy software, which is quite right, coz we gain
true news by ourselves, rather than stay
in the blockade of universities, where every so often
student IDs are being checked.”

Jing said that typically news gained from overseas
ought to be transmitted on domestic webs
so that more people are informed.

Chuceng Jin, a Chinese democrat, who encourages
democratic thinking amongst university students,
commented that young generations are dynamic
and want to know more about the world.

Chuceng: “It’s human instinct to want to unveil
the truth of the world matters, those students
with broadened horizon and a heart of curiosity
are more likely to open their minds to the world.”

Wang is a postgraduate student in China
who has never used a proxy software.
He however was aware of the means CCP uses
to maintain its power, which made him supportive
of the use of proxy software.

Wang: “I think it is best to let people know the truth,
since there is a lot of info that can not be filtered,
so why not just make the truth public and let things
go their way, I myself am supportive of it.”

Xi Chen, a democrat in Guizhou, who just returned
home from a 5-day trip compelled by CCP,
remains under a rigorous surveillance.
Interviewed by NTDTV, he suggests that using
proxy software is a form of resistance against
the CCP control over media and free expression.

Xi Chen: “I realized that by using proxy software,
university students show their resistance against
the autocratism of CCP’s Propaganda department
which constantly fabricates lies and false news
in Chinese education. They are fighting
for a world of truth and a real life
rather than a life filled with lies and falsehood.”

It is understood that quite a big number
of university students have already heard
of “9 Comments on CCP" and also announced
their withdrawal from CCP on overseas websites.
With the widespread news of North Africa’s
democratic revolts discussions about China’s future
are ubiquitous among students.

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Sun Ning
