












Shocking Comments from A Beijing University Professor: Americans Live in Misery


Not long ago, Beijing Univ. professor Kong Qingdong
made statements to support Chongqing police chief
in the idea that police station can sue the media and
policeman can sue the reporter if they are not happy
about a media report on them.
He criticized the Southern Daily Group for
“making slanders every day.”
Most recently, he again made comments that
Americans are not free and they live in misery.
His foregoing statement was rebutted by netizens.

On Jan. 15, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
criticized China’s suppression of internet freedom.
Kong Qingdong responded to it by saying
the U.S. system is the world’s most reactionary,
ignorant, and conservative system,
which puts Americans in a “unfree" state,
thinking they get “free information."

Kong: “I believe most Americans do not realize that
they actually do not have a good life,
but they think others live in misery.
Is there anything wrong when we said decades ago
that Americans lived in misery?
Even from today’s point of view, it’s not wrong.
Americans do live in misery."

Kong Qingdong’s words infuriated the netizens.
They think Kong is a disgrace of Beijing University
and he is insulting the Chinese people.
“With a professor as stupid as this,
how can the Chinese nation revive?”

Do Americans live in misery? Do those who make
anti-U.S. comments every day really think that
the CCP ruled China is better than the U.S.?

According to a report on Radio Free Asia,
74.5% of the 2nd generation of CCP’s ministry-level
officials, including those retired,
hold U.S. green card or citizenship.
91% of their third generations have U.S. citizenship.

It is well known in Beijing when former state council
spokesman Yuan Mu’s daughter applied for a U.S. visa.
It is said that the U.S. officials joked:
“I cannot believe Yuan Mu, who hated, defamed,
and cursed the U.S. every day,
would send his daughter to study in the U.S."
His daughter is said to have changed
to the U.S. citizenship after graduation.

Also, Phoenix TV’s anti-U.S. front runner Ruan Cishan
has U.S. citizenship. CCTV’s famous anti-U.S. figure
Song Xiaojun, author of China Not Happy, which
stirred up Chinese people’s anti-American sentiment,
got U.S. green card after he profited from the book.

Kong Qingdong, who thinks Americans live in misery,
favors North Korea and its leader.

Since North Korea’s monetary reform in Dec. 2009,
two North Koreans have been executed
for illegally exchanging money.

Kong found excuses for the atrocities and
praised Kim Jong-il as a great leader.
He criticized the U.S., Japan, and South Korea as
the “imperialist countries coveting the North Korea."
He said, North Koreans are poor in the material sense
but rich in spirit. He hoped China and North Korea
would be brothers forever.

NTD Reporters Li Jing and Sun Ning
