




煉法輪功受益 黑龍江夫婦被迫害







Let’s focus on rights defending events in China

In the name of solar power project, Tongliao city government
of Inner Mongolia conducted a compulsory acquisition
of pasture with low compensation.

Local villagers of Horqin, Inner Mongolia,
protested at the construction site.
About 50 special police showed up at the scene
and attacked the herders with batons.
Consequently, they wounded 10 herders and arrested 20.

The couple from Heilongjiang persecuted for practising Falun Gong

A Dec. 2 report of Minghui.org revealed that, a Hegang City
couple, Xu Xianda and Huang Xiaoxia, have been Falun Gong
practitioners since 2010.

Many chronic illnesses have been cured and their tempers
have been improved after their practice of Falun Gong.
On April 23, local police illegally arrested them, searched their
home and confiscated their computers, printer and so forth
for their activities of spreading the truth about practicing
Falun Gong and the persecution of Falun Gong.

Local district court conducted illegal trial on Nov. 27.

All 50 seats in the public gallery were occupied by members
of 610 Office, the organization in charge of persecution
of Falun Gong.

Family members of Xu Xianda and Huang Xiaoxia
were not allowed into the court room.

Chongqing Wholesale Merchant Strike Meets Suppression

A Chongqing vegetable wholesale market,
hundreds of merchants took a strike on Dec. 1 to protest
against rise in rent and the high deposit of 50,000 yuan
(approximately US$8,141).
Police went to the scene to suppress the strike,
three people were said to be arrested.

Beijing Rejects Demonstration from 39 Tianjin Petitioners

On Dec. 2 morning, 39 Tianjin petitioners applied individual
demonstration in Beijing Public Security Corps but were refused,
reported 64tianwang.com.

They subsequently delivered another application to march
at the vicinity of the United Nations Development Programme
located at LiangMaHe NanLu of Beijing
on Dec. 10, the World Human Rights Day.
