




警察撞死人後 搶屍抓人引抗議









Monday, Dec. 01
Quit CCP Update

Let’s focus on mainland rights protection

Eight Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Sentenced
by Changping Court

According to the Minghui website report on December 1st,
Beijing Changping Court illegally sentenced 8 Falun Gong
practitioners to between three years and five and a half years imprisonment.

It’s said that nine Falun Gong practitioners were arrested when
they cleared the billboards slandering Falun Gong in Changping
District on May 16th, 2013.

Early 2014, Changping Public Security Bureau illegally
prosecuted them for undermining law enforcement.
June 22, eight people were illegally approved for arrest by the
First Branch of Beijing Municipal Procuratorate.

Protests Triggered by Police Robbing the Dead, Beating and
Arresting People

November 29, Hundreds of Pingna County villagers in Guangxi
protested in front of Public Security Bureau when the police
escaped, robbed a corpse and killed people after hitting villagers.

November 27th about 23:00pm, Pingnan county police hit the
people and escaped after they caught some gamblers.
Some villagers who tried to stop them were beaten, resulting in
more than ten witnesses arrested.
All cell phones which took pictures at that time were taken and
the body sent directly to the funeral home for cremation.

Later, the local government claimed that the deceased suddenly
fell dead as the police caught the gamblers.

Two Petitioners Commit Suicide after Failed Petition to the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Mainland Minsheng Guancha website reports on December 1st,
Shanxi Da Tong city petitioner, Meng Xiuren killed himself by
poison last morning because of a failed petition at the front
of UNDP.

According to a petitioner, Meng Xiuren put the appeal on
the ground and drank the poison because the police
did not help him register.

A lady committed suicide with him and her head
and wrist were cut.
Ten petitioners called for emergency rescue and condemned
the hardship caused by the power block.
The two people were carried to an ambulance and left after
being checked by police.

Xianning Villagers Push Back One Thousand Police

Xianning City-County Cross Stone Street Jiugongshan Town,
November 28, thousands of police suppressed hundreds of village petitioners by injuring, arresting a number of them in Tongshan
county, Hubei province.
Thousands of villagers came to support and detained more than 10
police vehicles.
At noon, the villagers blocked traffic by carrying the police car,
resulting in more than 10 villagers arrested.

Mengniu Dairy Tongshan pasture located at Stone Street
dumped cow dung, and a dead cow, leading to severely polluted
air and river nearby.

The villagers repeatedly protested in vain.

November 16, thousands of villagers protested by blocking the
pasture door day and night.
