【禁聞】陳子明追悼會 警方如臨大敵

【新唐人2014年10月27日訊】曾被中共當局稱為六四「幕後黑手」的著名異議人士陳子明,10月21日在北京過世。他的追悼會 25號在北京昌平殯儀館舉行。包括參加過「四五運動」、八九六四在內的近三百名自由作家、學者前往送行。與此同時,當局出動了一百多名警力在通往殯儀館途中設卡,逐一登記出席者身份。還有一些人被控制在家中,禁止參加追悼會。請看詳細報導。
















採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/肖顏

Police Extremely Nervous about Chen Ziming’s Funeral

Chen Ziming was a well-know activist and was regarded as
the “backstage manipulator” of “June 4 Movement”
by the communist party.

Chen’s funeral was at Changping, Beijing on Oct 25.
About 300 free-lance writers and scholars attended Chen’s funeral.
Meanwhile, hundreds of police set up checkpoints
on all the ways to the funeral home and
registered the identity of each attendee.

Some people were blocked at their homes and
forbidden from attending the funeral.
What has made the authorities so nervous about the funeral?
Please read the report.

On Oct 21, Chen Ziming, 62 years old, passed away from
pancreatic cancer in Beijing.
Chen had been dedicated to democracy movements for years.
He participated in “Four Five Movement” in 1976,
“Xidan Democracy Wall Movement” in 1979
and “June 4 Movement” in 1989.
Regarded as the “backstage manipulator” of “June 4 Movement”
he was sentenced to 13 years of in prison.

On Oct 25, a lot of well-known advocates of freedom
attended Chen’s funeral.
Among them were Zhang Lifan, Zhang Qianfan, Sun Liping,
Rong Jian, Shi Binhai and Xu Youyu.
Zheng Yefu, Social Science Professor from Beijing University,
spoke at the funeral and sang high praise for Chen Ziming’s
contribution to China’s democracy and constitutionalism.

In addition, Bao Tong, political sectary of Zhao Ziyang, and
Ma Shaofang, student leader of “June 4” also laid wreaths.

Attendees of the funeral said that the policemen were
extremely nervous about it, “After 7am, the police stopped
every car driving into the funeral home and asked
which funeral they were attending. There were hundreds of police
and disguised police inside and outside the funeral home.

There were police cars at each entrance to the funeral home too. ”

He Depu, friend of Chen Ziming, “I was planning to go
and I already bought a wreath. However, as I walked down stairs,
I was blocked by the police.”

He Depu said that he negotiated with Beijing security police
for a long time but they still didn’t allow him to attend the funeral
without offering any reason.

Hu Jia, well-known activist, “Yesterday I talked to the authorities
too, but they said no. They told me I was not the only one
that’s under control, but I was one of the focuses.

They received orders that Hu Jia absolutely can’t show up
at Chen Ziming’s funeral. ”

Hu Jia said that the party treated Chen Ziming’s funeral
as a sensitive event in stability maintenance, because
they are afraid that the funeral might turn into
a meeting of condemnation to the party.

As far as Hu Jia learned, Mo Zhixu, an activist writer, and Ye Du,
Secretary of Independent PEN Centre, were both controlled and
couldn’t make it to the funeral.

Bao Tong was also warned by the authorities
that he was not allowed to attend the funeral.
Regarding this, Bao expressed his anger to FRA (Radio Free Asia).

He said: “Is there such a law that forbids
people from attending their friend’s funeral?
This is so called ‘governing the country according to the law’.”

Actually, Chen Ziming’s funeral was at Chang Ping,
suburb of Beijing.
The transportation to there is very inconvenient
but about three hundred people still made it at the funeral.

He Depu: “Mr. Chen is very modest and gentle.
He had very good relationship with people.
He’s very gentle to people.

People who worked with him think he’s really kind.
He made friends with people from all walks of life.
Therefore, there were so many people at his funeral. ”

Zhu Jiaming, former democracy activist
and current Professor of Economics from University of Vienna,
wrote an article to commemorate Chen Ziming.
In his article, he said: “In our generation,
all the education we received since we were young
was related to ‘wars among different social classes’.
Therefore, our heart starts accumulating dust,
we stops being good-hearted and move away
from common senses and become more and more biased.
Nonetheless, Chen Ziming discarded the notion of social classes,
philosophy of struggles and mass movement.
What he enlightened to were humanitarianism and humanism.
That’s how he understood democracy.
His universal love originated from his conscience.
Because of his universal love, he promoted democracy.
Because of the democracy he promoted, he suffered.”

Zhu Jiaming stated that the series of books
that Chen Ziming worked on, like “Deep Thoughts in the History”
and “Walk to the Future”,
are all trying to bring humanism back to China.
That’s a call from his conscience,
because what China has fallen behind the world in modernization,
technology and economy all originates from its falling
behind in humanism since “May 4 Movement”.
Therefore, Zhu Jiaming said that Chen Ziming
was the earliest enlightened and the earliest forerunner.

Hu Jia also said that Chen’s whole life was full of ups and downs.
In order to make a change to China, he explored a variety of possibilities.
Even if he passed away, he left a lot of works behind.
Later generations still can get inspired by his words.

Interview/TianJing Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/XiaoYan
