



Selected CCP Withdrawal Statements

Many Chinese have joined the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) against their will, in order to gain “political capital".
Despite being buried deep in its system, most are clear that
there is no hope for the CCP; so a large number of people
have announced their withdrawal from the CCP.

Zhao Jiancheng and a further 11 people gave statements:
“Among us are people working in the Public Security,
the Discipline Inspection and the judiciary systems, top-level
executives of state-owned enterprises and CCP cadres."
““We know the CCP is about to end, and finally we have
this chance to quit the CCP—We hereby quit the CCP
and all of its affiliated organizations."

Zhao Shi, Xiang Jie and Wang Lu from Tianjin:

“We joined the CCP back then to gain political capital,
because only by joining the Party could we get a promotion
and make more money."

“We are aware of the CCP´s extreme destruction
and corruption, and we all hate it."
“Now we have the opportunity to denounce the evil party;
we want to quickly withdraw from it and all organizations."
