【禁聞】滬武警「一把手」換防 防患未然?













採訪編輯/唐音 後製/李勇

Shanghai Armed Police Chief Replaced: A Precautionary Action?

Chiefs of Armed Police Corps in three regions
of Mainland China have been recently replaced in turn,
especially in Shanghai where continuous shock has rocked
the officialdom.
Armed police in Mainland belong to the active duty army,
under the dual leadership of the State Council
and the Central Military Commission
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Before the CCP’s Fourth Plenary Session is held, this series
of intense action in Shanghai has concerned the public.
Let’s take a look at the expert analysis.

On Sept. 24, Shanghai Armed Police Corp. announced that
Shanghai Armed Police Commander Wei Youjiang
was promoted to the Deputy Chief of Staff
of the State Armed Police Force.
Chongqing Armed Police Corps commander Zhu Hong was
transferred to Commander of Shanghai Armed Police Corps.
Just one day ago, the chief commanders of Armed Police
Corps in Chongqing City and Hunan Province were also
simultaneously rotated.

Zhu Hong previously served as Chief of Staff
of the Shanghai Armed Police Corps.
In March 2013 he transferred to Chongqing
and has now returned Shanghai.

American political commentator Mr. Heng He: “There are
precautions with a person who must understand Shanghai,
but has no close relations with the ‘Shanghai Gang’,
who controls the Shanghai Armed Police.
Such a possibility should exist.

The armed police have a closer relationship with local forces.
To change their commander is easier than the formal army.
The opportunity for armed police to intervene in a domestic
political fight is also much higher than that of the army."

On Sept. 23, Shanghai Discipline and Inspection Supervision
Network released the news of 11 sacked officials, four
of whom are under investigation, and seven who have been
transferred to judicial departments.
Mainland media reported that they were mainly investigated
due to involvement in land transfer and interest siphoning.
Shanghai human rights lawyer Zheng Enchong believes
that these officials are basically the messengers
of Jiang Miankang, the second son of Jiang Zemin.

Political Commentators Tang Jingyuan analyzed that before
the CCP’s Fourth Plenary Session, the so-called
anti-corruption is focused on Shanghai, and official media
exposed Wang Zongnan, who is close to Jiang Zemin’s family.
The Zhou Yongkang case is likely
to transfer judicial proceedings.
Under a wide range of the above backgrounds,
the Commander of Shanghai Armed Police Corps
has been swapped, the main reason being to prevent
trouble and chaos among the Shanghai armed police.

Tang Jingyuan gave an example for this.

In 2007, when the CCP Head Hu Jintao dispatched hundreds
of investigators as a special group stationed in Shanghai
to investigate the Shanghai social security fund case,
then Shanghai CCP Head Chen Liangyu mobilized
2,000 armed police to encompass the special group,
prohibit access, and finally forced this special group
to retreat to Beijing.

Tang Jingyuan: “In fact, this behavior caused a very big shock
at high-levels of the CCP, and this is already a move
resembling an insurgency.

So this is the one key reason why Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao
were determined to crackdown on Chen Liangyu.
So this time the intention behind the action is actually
very obvious, it involves Jiang Zemin’s family."

Chief Editor of overseas magazine China Affairs Mr. Wu Fan
believes that when Beijing Authorities are pressing harder
and harder on the Jiang Zemin faction, due to fear
for regime stability during the internal fighting,
they strictly control the army and armed police,
especially in Shanghai where Jiang Zemin’s “lair" is based.

Mr. Wu Fan: “It is terrible that if they have their own system,
and their followers only listen to their orders,
this will empower them with strength
to fight the upper authorities.
So now a key person has been transferred away.
This method had been used in Mao Zedong’s era.
The commander of seven military regions
were swapped out with each other.
So this news indicates that the Armed Police Force
is instable, the high authorities fear the armed police
will not follow their orders, and now use this approach
to weaken them."

Next month the CCP Fourth Plenary Session will be held.

Mainland China political commentator Hua Po said that
during the conference there will be a major adjustment
of top level personnel, so they first need to place
strict control on Shanghai Armed Police.

Hua Po: “In fact, surrounding the personnel arrangements,
I guess there will be major personnel changes among
the Standing Committee of Politburo, members
of the Politburo and the Central Military Commission.
The battle between the two sides is now increasingly
Various factions’ forces are already ready
to take urgent action.
To swap the Armed Police Force’s top leadership is to take
preventive measures, so that the soldiers will not know
the commander and the commander will not know
the soldiers, which makes the rebels unable to succeed."

Mainland media recently widely reproduced the report
which reveals that Wang Zongnan, the former Chairman
of Executive Board of Shanghai Bright Food Group,
has a deep political and business connections.
Wang Zongnan was arrested in August
on embezzlement and bribery charges.
The article revealed that the most important contact
Wang Zongnan has is the former Shanghai CCP Head
Chen Liangyu, Jiang Zemin’s crony.

Jiang Zemin was the first Deputy Director of Shanghai Yimin
Food Factory, which was the predecessor
of Guangming Group.

Interview & Edit/Tangyin Post-Production/LiYong
