【禁聞】耿和籲美政府 助高智晟赴美就醫
















現年50歲的高智晟因長期為弱勢群體維權,被譽為「中國良心」,曾被評為「全國十佳榮譽律師」。 2005年因公開發表「致胡溫三封公開信」為法輪功鳴冤,被吊銷律師執照,2006年12月被非法判刑。 2011年12月被剝奪緩刑冤獄3年。

採訪編輯/李韻 後製/舒燦

Wife Geng He appeals to the US government
to help Gao Zhisheng receive US medical aid

The renowned Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng
is still under strict surveillance in his home,
despite having been released from jail over a month ago.

On Tuesday in the U.S., Gao Zhisheng’s wife Geng He
initiated a news conference, appealing to the U.S. government
and the international community for help
in bringing Gao to the U.S. for medical attention.

She revealed that before his imprisonment at Xinjiang Shayar
County Jail, Gao had experienced forced detention six times.

One time, Gao was kept in an underground chamber below
an army base for 20 months, and suffered a variety of tortures.

The torture was more intense than that described in
“Dark Night, Dark Hood and Kidnapping by Dark Mafia"
—Gao’s personal account of 50 days of torture in 2007.

Accompanied by a lawyer, Geng He led a news conference
in The National Journalism Centre of Washington on Sept. 9.

She revealed some of Gao’s tragic experiences of recent years
that were unknown to the public.

Gao Zhisheng has been staying at his wife’s parents’ house
located in Ürümq, Xinjiang, since his release on Aug. 7.

Geng He: “Shortly after Gao Zhisheng returned home,
this home became another prison; there are daily home visits
from Public Security, in the morning and in the afternoon."

“The officers stay for two or three hours each visit
and our family is unable to work or lead normal lives."

“Gao even said to the police, ‘You visit me every day;
it’s become your official job—my family and I are unable to
live or work— why don’t you send me back to prison?"

She revealed that Gao had been kept in solitary confinement
in the Xinjiang Shayar Jail—he could not see the light of day.

In jail, Gao was only given one bun
and a bowl of plain cabbage each day.

He suffered malnutrition as a result, causing 12 of his teeth
to become loose and cause him unbearable pain;
he then had to rely on liquid substance to fight starvation.

Geng He, “This was how Gao looked when he returned home:
his weight had reduced from 175 pounds to 137 pounds,
he walked like a cripple and swayed from side to side,
and his skin was pale as a ghost, without any shade of blood."

“He was unable to enunciate his words
and his reactions were very slow."

Geng He also revealed that before Gao was kept in jail,
he had been placed under forced detention six times
during the so-called “probation period".

On one occasion, he was kept in an underground chamber
below an army base for 20 months, and suffered tortures
which surpassed the intensity described in Gao’s account,
“Dark Night, Dark Hood and Kidnapping by Dark Mafia".

Written in his besieged home in Beijing, the account describes
Gao’s experience of more than 50 days of torture in 2007.

The torture included being viciously beaten by secret police
with his head covered, being stripped naked and tortured,
electric baton shocking and the piercing of the genitals
with bamboo shafts—Gao had felt close to death many times.

Beijing human rights activist, Hu Jia: “For the past few years,
the CCP has been using harsh, savage, cruel and violent ways
against the lawyer Gao Zhisheng."

“We believe that Gao is facing a very precarious future—
it’s very possible he’ll be sent back to those black prisons
that are totally concealed; cut off from the outside world."

Geng He and her children—U.S. refugees since 2009—
hope the international community will lend a helping hand.

She is very worried that Gao may face persecution again
and made to suffer permanent disability or even death.

Geng He: “This is persecution of an individual by the state—
I cannot do anything by myself."

“Therefore, I can only request you, the media,
for your attention and media coverage."

“I need the voice of justice and the power of the international
community with the U.S. government as its representative;
this is the only way to provide real help to my husband."

Geng He says Gao’s suffering is a miniature of all suffering
of the Chinese people who are facing persecution in China.

She appealed to U.S. President Obama and Secretary of State,
John Kerry for their attention to Gao Zhisheng’s case,
saying it will give hope to all who seek freedom in China.

Hu Jia says they must endeavour to get Gao Zhisheng
to the U.S. on medical grounds.

Hu Jia: “Right now, we must strive to get Gao Zhisheng
to the U.S. and to reunite with his family."

“We must strive for this freedom; not a so-called freedom
to flee to a foreign land, but a freedom to reunite with family
and a freedom to go back to China at any time, to return to
his desire which is working for human rights!"

The Wall Street Journal says U.S. National Security Adviser,
Susan Rice, is currently on a three-day visit to China.

The visit is hoped to result in the CCP allowing Gao Zhisheng
to leave China to gain medical attention in the U.S.

50-year old Gao—once recognized as one of China’s 10 best
lawyers—has been honored as the “Conscience of China"
for defending the human rights of vulnerable and suppressed
groups across China.

In 2005, his lawyer’s license was revoked for publicly
releasing “three open letters to Hu and Wen",
which sought redress for Falun Gong.

In Dec. 2006, Gao was illegally sentenced, and in Dec. 2011,
he was denied probation and wrongly jailed for three years.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ShuCan
