













採訪編輯/唐音 後製/蕭宇

Wang Qishan Remarks, “Non-Performing Officials"

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) Secretary
Wang Qishan once again gave a surprising remark:
Rather the officials not performing than behaving badly.

This was heard in a Q&A session following an impromptu
speech at the CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political
Consultative Conference) meeting.

What makes the Communist regime prefer harboring
non-performing officials on taxes?
What does it say about the anti-graft campaign in China?
The followings are interpretation of all parties.

In the CPPCC meeting on the 25th August, questions of many
civil servants fears of wrong doing and having nothing done
about it were brought up.

Wang Qishan replied: Indeed, passive and inactive situations
arises, but rather no action than bad behavior.
He stressed bad behavior is absolutely intolerable.

Previously, his comment, “you’ll slowly understand" was
widely heard on international Chinese media when
Wang Qishan answered the question of whether there is
a bigger tiger beyond Zhou Yongkang.

By the end of July, CCDI has processed 51,600 violation cases
and 67,679 officials.
That’s more than the total of last year.

Since the opening of the CCDI public Website more than a year
ago, 15,000 Chinese have registered on the site with real names,
and left more than 40,000 messages.

That is more than 800 reports a day.
Petitioners commented that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Commentator Dr. Jie Sen: This question was in fact to remind
Wang Qishan, we can’t do anything with what you are doing.
Wang Qishan’s answer was illogical but lack of better choice.
It is the reality in the Communist regime.
If the officials were paid to do nothing,
the best choice would be no officials.

The so-called anti-graft has no sign of stopping since
the 18th National Congress.
The level involved is getting higher.

In Shanxi, many provincial and ministerial
level officials were sacked.
Officials at all levels are nervous.

What worries the people now is that officials might get
intimidated now, but once the situation was relaxed,
they will strike back to make up the “loss" during this time.

Former Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang:
As long as the anti-corruption does not change the system,
it is difficult to go deep.

Tackling a few corrupt officials will not have a thorough
effect other than a temporary shock.
Only with democracy, election, and property declaration,
will the system prevent corruption.

Jie Sen: Throughout history, top down
can never block corruption.
There are fewer eyes to monitor the many officials.

Without an oversight mechanism by the people, the transparent
media, and an independent judiciary, there is no way
to fundamentally solve corruption in the regime.

A popular ballad was heard years ago, “Deng Xiaoping’s
officials were millionairs, Jiang Zemin’s officials were
rampantly corrupt," alluding that Jiang Zemin promoted the
entire corrupt CCP officials.
There are scholars pointing out that Jiang Zemin’s suppression
of 100 million faithful Falun Gong practitioners holding
“Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance’ has also accelerated
the moral degeneration of Chinese society.

Jie Sen agrees with this view. He explains, Jiang Zemin took
office after the 1989 June 4 massacre.
The 1989 student movement was for “anti-profiteering,
anti-corruption," which indicates people
rejected “profiteering" and “corruption."

But, after a decade of ruling by Jiang Zemin,
the concept has changed.
It became, “Being an official,
you are too stupid not to be corrupt."

Jie Sen: His main function has been to distort the entire
ethical standards in China.
Jiang Zemin’s hand-picked people have all served as the
corrupt benchmark, such as Zhou Yongkang and Zeng Qinghong.
Corruption is his most basic rule to control
the Chinese officialdom.

To date, more than 176.21 million Chinese have denounced
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated
organizations through the Epoch Times website.

A large number of them expressed their reasons to quit the CCP
on the website.
The serious corruption in mainland officialdom is one of the
direct causes for them to see through the CCP
and completely lose hope in the CCP.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/XiaoYu
