【禁聞】北京封殺真普選 「佔中」倒計時?

















Countdown of Occupy Central Begins As the CCP Denies Real Suffrage

Recently, Hong Kong people’s voices are growing stronger
in demanding real suffrage.

However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has attempted
to repeatedly suppress them following its White Paper
on Hong Kong.

On Aug. 31, the CCP’s National People’s Congress (NPC)
Standing Committee passed a resolution
requiring any chief executive candidates
to be approved by over half of its nominating committee.

This completely denies the plan of direct nomination
by Hong Kong people, and will probably trigger more
resistance in the region.

After 4pm on Aug. 31, the CCP’s mouthpieces announced
“A Decision by the NPC Standing Committee on Suffrage
of Chief Executive and 2016 Legislative Council
in Hong Kong.”

As expected, the decision said chief executive candidates
can only be nominated by a special nominating committee
and have to be approved by half of its members,
who will select two or three candidates.

The selection of committee members will follow rules
for the fourth Sector of Election Committee.

Chan Kin-man, a founder of the Occupy Central movement
and director of Center for CUHK’s Civil Society Studies,
said Hong Kong people would have no choice but to
Occupy Central if the CCP denies any plan for real suffrage.

Chan Kin-man, founder of Occupy Central: ”We have
already said that when there is no space for conversation
and we are hopeless in having a real suffrage,
the Occupy Central movement will start.

To protect our dignity, we will occupy Central.

Of course the movement must be carried out
in a peaceful and non-violent manner.”

Chan also said the CCP’s decision will wipe out
any expectations of a political reform.

Hong Kong people will realize that “the recurrence
of democracy” is a fraud.

They will no longer try to solve the problem through
Hong Kong’s government or council.

Instead, they will voice their demands through
street protests.

Chan believes that Hong Kong will see more social conflicts
and the CCP will face more difficulties in
governing Hong Kong.

Chan Kin-man: ”Why did we start Occupy Central
We hope to deliver a warning message
to the whole society and Beijing.

We hope the CCP can understand that a very dangerous
crisis is coming.
It is a pity that they fail to receive the message.”

The CCP has been in a panic over Occupy Central, repeatedly
claiming it will harshly crackdown on the movement.

Chen Zuo’er, former deputy director of Hong Kong and
Macau Affairs Office, made threatening comments,
saying that Occupy Central is Hong Kong’s street politics
and the Color Revolution in overturning the CCP authority,
and will only result in bloodshed.

The CCP mouthpiece, People’s Daily, also said the chief
executive of Hong Kong must “love the country and
the city,” and equivalently should never resist
any order from the party.

According to basic Hong Kong Law, the chief executive
has to be elected in a suffrage.

After deferring the plan several times, Beijing was
finally forced to promise a suffrage plan beginning 2017.

However, the CCP attempts to name all candidates
by itself through controlling the nominating committee.

On the other hand, Hong Kong people, especially pro-
democracy groups, strongly demand a real suffrage
that accepts all candidates nominated by any citizens
or groups.

To resist the CCP’s suppression of a real suffrage,
Tai Yiu Ting, Chan Kin-man, Chu Yiu-ming and several others
initiated the “Let Love and Peace Occupy Central”

They called on all Hong Kong residents to stand out
and occupy Central if necessary,
as a peaceful civil disobedience against the CCP.

In the June 22 referendum, nearly 800,000 Hong Kong
people voted for a real suffrage, showing strong public
opinion to support the movement.

Joseph Cheng, City University of Hong Kong, political science
professor: ”In fact, we are facing a crisis of not only
whether we will have a democratic election.

We are facing a threat to our core values, our life style
and our spirit.”

On the afternoon of Aug. 31, founders of Occupy Central,
Alliance for True Democracy, Democratic Party, Civil Human
Rights Front, Federations of Students, Scholarism
and other activist groups assembled at the Legislative
Building for discussion.

In the evening, Occupy Central promoters gathered
at Tamar Park near the Central Government to announce
plans for the next step.

Founders of Occupy Central group said they would not start
the movement on Sunday.

However, Hong Kong police still sent 5,000 people to Central
and prepared a large number of barriers around the area.

On Thursday, the CCP’s armored vehicles traveled across
Hong Kong’s busy regions.

This was criticized as creating tensions right before
the Occupy Central movement starts.

Interview/YiRu Edit/LiQian Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
