








廣東5000人罷工 遭防暴警察鎮壓




British media: Hong Kong Anti- Occupy Central March is

August 17, Hong Kong pro-Beijing camp launched a march to
oppose the movement of Occupy Central and universal suffrage.

August 18, London Financial Times reported: “the march seems organized because different community groups wear the exact
same clothes and hats."

Hong Kong media reported that the Hong Kong Chinese-funded
company forced employees to participate in the procession
with free transportation, free food and a few hundred dollars.

It’s questioned whether the so-called anti-Central Occupy parade
is on behalf of Hong Kong people.

China Day: Chinese Officials Sell Real Estate in Panic

The so-called anti-corruption action launched by the Chinese
authorities impacts the mainland real estate industry.

August 18, US Wall Street Journal reported that CCP
officials are panic selling real estate.

The Wall Street Journal disclosed after interviewing more than
a dozen mainland realtors, in order to avoid unwanted
attention, a lot of senior cadres now not only no longer buy the
mansion, but also sell in panic.

The report quoted Shanghai Centaline Property Consultant firm
manager Zhang Yan saying:" the officials want to sell the
property as soon as possible.

They are even willing to sell the property at a price 5% -10%
lower than the average similar house price. “

The industry analyzed officials selling property will
adversely affect the fragile real estate industry.

Guangdong: Crackdown by Riot Poice on Strike of 5,000 People

August 18, Huiya company’s 5000 employees, launched a strike
to protest the sharp rise of accumulation fund on part of
social security and housing without wage growth in Guangzhou
Luosha village.

It has resulted in lower real income for employees.

According to overseas Chinese Jasmine Revolution website
the authorities sent more than a hundred riot police.

There were dozens of workers heads broken and bleeding
and many workers arrested during the conflict.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
