【禁聞】堅持信仰 大連企業精英遭受迫害(下)














Top Dalian Businessman Persecuted for His Beliefs (part 2)

Today, let’s continue to focus on Zhang Huidong’s story.

He was originally an outstanding enterprise manager,
but due to his dedicated practice of Falun Gong,
he was arrested by the Dalian police.

Since then, Zhang Huidong has suffered persecution
that is unimaginable for ordinary people.
He was tortured to the point of disability, but miraculously
recovered; lost his parents and was displaced, but never
changed his sincerity and generosity.

During 15 years of persecution, what other
extraordinary things happened to this ordinary man?

Dalian Falun Gong practitioner, Zhang Huidong: “On the morning
of Aug 7, 2001, I was preparing material in my rented house,
when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

A group of policemen broke into my room as I opened the
At that time, I must protect the material, so I did not
allow them to touch any of it.
Those policemen slipped a halter round my neck,
made from a rope they found, and pulled so tight I passed out.
When I woke up, I was already lying on the floor of Xiuyue
Street police station of the Zhongshan Bureau of Dalian
Municipal Public Security."

After he came to, Zhang Huidong found his face and arms had
been injured and handcuffed.
Throughout the whole process, police never showed him
any search warrant, arrest warrant, nor any
written documents. All actions were illegally carried out.

Zhang Huidong: “They thought as (I) am an important person,
and they have arrested an important person, I should
be interrogated by people at the Deputy Secretary level.

The interrogation lasted until 4 a.m. the next day.
There were six policemen.
After the interrogation, I was locked in the interrogation room.

At 5 a.m. in the morning, I unscrewed the handcuffs, and other
policemen found me as I prepared to leave the Bureau.
I had to jump down from the bathroom on the fifth floor."

When Zhang Huidong woke up from the coma, he was
in the Dalian Municipal Friendship Hospital.
Police were afraid to take responsibility, so they just dropped
the bloodied Zhang Huidong at the emergency room door
and ran away after informing his father.

Zhang Huidong: “The reason is very simple, they learned
from the doctor that this man was disabled.
At the time, my third, forth and fifth lumbar vertibrae
were shattered, as were the lateral malleolus bones of both feet.
The left heel bone was also shattered,
and brow and nasal bones fractured.
I broke four teeth. and was covered with blood.

In addition, due to the police assault, my right eye was seriously
They and the doctor all thought that this man would disabled,
and on crutches for the rest of his life,
based on his appearance."

In a situation of serious physical injuries and lifelong disability,
Zhang Huidong got over all of this with a firm belief in
Falun Dafa and his indomitable will.

Zhang Huidong: “After I was discharged at the end of Sep 2001,
I started to practice the five exercises in this broken state.
I practiced all exercises. As a result, my body has been greatly
improved. I recovered very fast and almost fully healed by 2002,
I could begin to walk."

Although his body magically recovered and he was able to walk,
Zhang Huidong’s feet had not yet fully recovered.

Zhang Huidong: “After I was persecuted, my lateral malleolus
were removed after the fall. After they were removed,
the doctor was irresponsible and just directly loaded another
one, that put my bones in a misplaced state even until now.
My left heel bone was gone, they just placed a rubber mat
to support. Especially when I go uphill or downhill or go upstairs
or downstairs, I can only rely on my forefoot, I have this problem
in walking. I also can not jump."

Because of the CCP’s cruel persecution, Zhang Huidong’s
parents both passed away.
On Jun 2014, Zhang Huidong escaped from mainland China
and after many twists and turns arrived in Washington, DC.
Here, he can practice Falun Gong freely, and he really treasures
the opportunity to tell the truth to Chinese tourists.

Zhang Huidong: “There is a good condition to tell the truth to
Chinese people, tell (them) the serious persecution
that is happening in China.

It is not only a persecution against Falun Gong, but all
Chinese people, because they do not know the truth.
In US, I can reveal the persecution. I feel this is really valuable."

After 15 years of persecution, unjust imprisonment and
wandering, Zhang Huidong always has a sincere and generous
smile on his face.

Right now he wants to wake up more Chinese people,
let them truly understand the evilness of the CCP,
and quit it to start a better future.
