
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/鍾元

Police Supervisor Tortured to Death

Zhao Bin, an A-class police supervisor, was a doctor serving
in Weifang Prison, Shandong Province, but tortured to death
in Tilanqiao Prison, Shanghai.

This black irony of life reversal happens in China today
just because of his faith in Falun Gong.

Last October 19, Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Bin,
on the 46th day of his imprisonment,
was killed in Shanghai Tilanqiao prison.

After the news broke, family members of other
Falun Gong practitioners, who were also illegally
imprisoned went to the prison to seek the truth.

By all accounts, Zhao Bin had been healthy and strong.

How many unimaginable acts had happened
to cause the “sudden death" of a healthy person?

Facing the questions, the prison denied Zhao Bin’s death,
claimed “it has nothing to do with others"
and told people to “stay out of it."

Zhao Bin graduated from Taishan Medical College, Shandong,
in 1982.
He was class representative, and member of the basketball team.

After graduation, Zhao Bin served as a doctor in Weifang Prison,
Shandong, and was promoted to Class A Police Supervisor.

In his prime, Zhao Bin was diagnosed with cancer.
As a doctor, he had no cure for himself.
Upon the endless pain and despair, he learned Falun Gong
and became a practitioner.
With the practice, he regained his health.

Since the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in 1999,
Zhao Bin had been forced to live a destitute and homeless life.
His daughter was just a few months old.
His wife was forced to file for divorce unilaterally.
Like many other Falun Gong practitioners, Zhao Bin had
engaged in revealing the truth about the persecution
by the Communist regime.

During a visit to his old classmate, the medical director
of the Lung, Zhao Bin brought a fruit basket along with
a CD about the persecution.

Failing to meet his friend, he left the gifts
with the security guard.
Unexpectedly, his classmate reported on him.

On the evening of April 27, 2012, Shanghai police kidnapped
Zhao Bin and another Falun Gong practitioner, Pang Guangwen.
On July 11, 2013, the Shanghai Changning District Court
sentenced Zhao Bin to four years imprisonment.

September 3, Zhao Bin was sent to Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison.

On October 19, Zhao Bin insisted on doing his Falun Gong
exercises and was beaten to death in the morning
by inmates guarding him.

The hospital examination report stated his cause of death
as “sudden death."

Also the report indicated a high potassium ion level of 8.3
which the prison could not explain.

Shanghai democracy activist Wang Jianhua had been
imprisoned in a labor camp for two years for participation
in the June 4 student democratic movement.

He analyzes that prison is equipped with doctors, guards
on 24 hour watch, and cameras.
Sudden death is not expected.
Therefore, the so-called sudden death could be intentional.

Wang Jianhua: “I felt that tortured to death in prison
is very astonishing.
I have been in prison.
The prison has a certain protection procedure.
Unless it’s intentional, the prisoner is under protection.
This tells me the incident is not accidental.
If it’s not an acute disease, I believe, it’s an intentional killing."

Yu Xingyoung, a manager of a Jinan investment company,
denounces the Communist authorities disregard for human life.
He indicates that in Western countries, the occurrence
of unexplained deaths of prisoners is subject to media
investigation and officials would be severely criticized,
and even dismissed.

Yu Xingyoung: “But it won’t happen in China.
A prisoner’s life is nothing.
Society is silent on sudden death,
not to mention t holding the authorities liable for the death."

According to Minghui.org, under the instruction of Shanghai
610 Office, the security agency in charge of the persecution
of Falun Gong, Tilanqiao Prison has engaged in brutal torture
of Falun Gong practitioners under the incentive
of “transformation" awards.

The tortures are known to include sleep deprivation, electric
shock with several batons simultaneously, and teamed inmates’
assault on Falun Gong practitioners under the instruction
of the guards, to name a few.

Interview & Edit/QingXue Post-Production/ZhongYuan
