【禁聞】落馬貪官的巨大贓款 哪裡去了















今年初,「國際調查記者聯合會」(ICIJ)發佈的「中國離岸金融解密報告」指出,「中共權貴利用平行經濟(parallel economy)避稅、隱藏交易。據估計,從2000年以來,流失到境外的資金至少有1萬億到4萬億美元,具體路線難以追蹤。」

位於美華盛頓的「全球金融誠信組織」(Global Financial Integrity)在2012年12月發表的《非法資金外流報告》中也指出,從2000年到2011年,中國因逃稅、貪腐或犯罪而產生的非法資金外流,達3萬7900億美元,折合人民幣23萬6000億元。






採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/舒燦

Where Is China’s Hoard of Illicit Cash?

Recently, many Chinese officials have been purged on
fraud charges involving huge amounts of cash.
It is said that those removed officials and
confiscated cash are only a small fraction.

So, where has their ill-gotten money gone to?

A supreme procuratorate statistic reported that each
of 2,581 cases involving embezzlement, and bribery
was over one million yuan last year.

Confiscated goods and cash reached
more than 10 billion yuan.

This report shows that within 5 years, confiscated cash and
goods totaled 55.3 billion yuan.

China state-run media has reported that in the last five years,
amongst purged officials,
several individuals took bribes of over 100 million yuan.

Li Peiying, president of Beijing’s Capital Airport Group,
has accepted bribes of 109 million yuan.

Xu Maiyong, former vice mayor, Hangzhou City, has taken
bribes of 145 million yuan and stolen 53 million yuan.

Ma Junfei, Hohhot’s deputy railway chief has defrauded
130 million yuan within 22 months after he took office:
16,000 yuan per day.

Chen Tonghai, Sinopec ex-chairman
has accepted bribes of 196 million yuan.

Actually some astonishing figures are for the “big Tigers”.

In December 2013, media cited attendees of an internal
economic meeting of the Chinese Communist Party.

It said that ex-Politburo Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang
and his family embezzled 100 billion yuan.

The total included cash, shares, homes and other goods.

Frank Xie, Professor at University of South Carolina-Aiken:
“Corrupt Chinese officials embezzled a huge amount of cash
in the last decade, especially in recent years.

Every year the corrupted amount goes crazy.

Actually, these officials took the chance to seize the wealth
before the communist regime collapses.”

It is difficult to expose these corrupt officials’ sins.
However, by analyzing bank records,
people can find the amount embezzled.

In 2002, total wages in China were 1.2 trillion yuan.
But residential deposits increased to 1.5 trillion yuan.
It exceeded 300 billion yuan of total wages.

What kind of people can save entire wages without spending
and deposit it in the banks?

Bank of China’s annual private deposit exceeded total national
wages, which proves that officials have embezzled wealth.

Frank Xie says that Chinese officials
did what drug dealers do,
transfer the money via various channels abroad
laundering the money to make it legal.

China’s 21st Century Business Herald cited experts
that outflows via underground channels reached
over 200 billion yuan.

Overseas media’s exposure was rather shocking.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
issued a report “Leaked Records Reveal Offshore Holdings
of China’s Elite”.

It says China’s elites use a parallel economy to avoid tax,
covering up trading.

Outflows reached over 1 to 4 trillion US Dollars since 2000.

Details of routes are hard to trace.

US-based Global Financial Integrity issued a report
“Illicit Financial Flows” in Dec. 2012.

It says that China lost $3.79 trillion in illicit outflows
from 2000 to 2011:
capital created from proceeds of crime,
corruption and tax evasion.

US-based economist He Qinglian wrote on
Voice of America website.

She says that China’s corrupt officials’ laundered money
via Hong Kong hits 1 trillion US dollars each year.

Some officials bought homes in the U.S., with laundered money
via agents or through other methods.

Hong Kong’s Ming Pao reported on February 20 that
China’s top official Xu Caihou’s relative
Zhao Danna laundered billions of Hong Kong dollars
via eight bank accounts in Hong Kong.

Pan Renqiang, former court judge in Wuhan City:

“Officials transferred the money abroad,
which becomes an investment abroad.
Illicit money became legal after laundering.”

Pan Renqiang says that many old houses in China were
still in very good condition, but were forcibly demolished.

The purpose is to flow the money of banks,
the officials have a chance to corrupt.
This is the biggest motivation behind demolition.

Pan observes that the officials defraud the money, then
launder, this is their common tactic.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/ShuChan
