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美國中文雜誌《北京之春》主編胡平:「我們發現現在牽扯到的都是平民出身的這些軍人,因為他們沒有路子,因為現在整個中共軍隊政府都這麼腐敗,那些 父母是高官的,那麼他陞遷就會很順利,那其他的人就靠金錢鋪路,所以這樣一來,買官賣官行賄受賄就提供了很廣闊的市場。」



署名「大山無言」的網友質問,徐才厚終於倒了,其實,徐不過一猢猻而已,「樹」是誰呀? 這個不說也都知道。

採訪/陳漢 編輯/李韻 後製/鍾元

Xu Caihou’s Case Prompts the Investigation of Eight Major Generals and Guo Boxiong’s Son

Along with the corruption exposure of Deputy Minister
Gu Junshan of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Army General Logistics Department as well as the former
Vice Chairman Xu Caihou of the Central Military Commission,
eight Major Generals connected with Xu and Gu were
investigated or called on to assist in the investigation.
Meanwhile, Guo Boxiong’s son, another former
Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission,
as well as Guo Zhenggang and his wife were also taken
away by the Discipline and Inspection Committee
of the CCP Central Commission to assist in the investigation.

Analysts say that Guo Boxiong’s
“prospects for the future are ominous,”
and the ultimate goal of Xi Jinping
and Li Keqiang is to catch 『bigger tigers. 』
According to a Beijing news source, Hong Kong “Ming Pao
Daily News" reported on July 10 that Guo Zhenggang
and his wife have been indeed taken away recently
for the investigation of relevant cases by Military Discipline
and Inspection Commission.

Guo Zhenggang is the son of the former Vice Chairman
Guo Boxiong of the Central Military Commission of the CCP.
It is still unclear as to whether Guo Boxiong
was detained or not.

44-year-old Guo Zhenggang is a colonel and current director
of the Zhejiang Provincial Military Region Political Dept.
It has been revealed that Guo Zhenggang was previously
a very promising candidate for promotion to Major General,
but with the spread of Guo Boxiong’s corruption scandals,
his military career has also been affected.

Political affairs commentator Li Shanjian said that Guo
Boxiong’s army corruption is no less than Xu Caihou’s.
His son has now been taken away by the Discipline
and Inspection Committee of the Central Commission
of the CCP to assist in the investigation, which indicates
that Guo Boxiong’s future prospects are ominous.

Li Shanjian: “According to Guo Boxiong’s role during
Jiang Zemin’s reign and his status and position in the Jiang
faction, in regards to Xu Caihou’s case, if he is not caught,
then the only possibility is in that he has provided significant
contribution secretly through defection, and he helps
Xi Jinping during the factional struggle."

However, Li Shanjian said that according to current reports,
nothing signals Guo Boxiong’s fate will be similar to Xu’s.

On June 30, Xu Caihou was expelled from the CCP
and transferred to prosecutors for further processing.

As “Jiang Zemin’s favorite in the army", Xu Caihou is the key
behind the scenes Gu Junshan supporter, and has
deep interest exchanges with Zhou Yongkang, the former
member of Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP.

Earlier, the media disclosed that the Army General Political
Department dominated by Xu Caihou has was the source
of cushy jobs, and the military corruption extended to the
point of being publicly listed for selling positions and rank.

In May, retired Major General and the former Political
Commissar Ye Wanyong of CCP’s Sichuan Provincial Military
Region was ransacked and taken away.

Sources said Ye Wanyong’s accident was directly related
to Xu Caihou.

A few years ago, Ye Wanyong bribed Xu Caihou with
a large sum of money “to buy a military official rank."

It is said that another Major General
in the Southwest Military Region was also arrested
at the same time Ye Wanyong was caught.

Major General Zhang Gongxian is the Director
of the Political Department of the Jinan Military Area
and Xu Caihou’s former secretary.

He was also dismissed recently.

Major General Wei Jin is the Deputy Political Commissar
of the Tibet Military Area and he has also been detained.

Ming Pao, which cited sources close to the military, said
that Major General Yu Daqing, Deputy Political Commissar
of the Second Artillery Corps, was recently removed
from the promotion list to Lieutenant General, who worked
in the General Political Department for many years.

In addition, as a former President of “Liberation Army Daily,"
Major General Huang Guozhu was once required to assist
the investigation of Xu Caihou’s case executed
by the Military Discipline and Inspection Commission.

Major General Lan Weijie is the former Deputy Commander
of Hubei Provincial Military Regionand he was also detained earlier by the Military Discipline
and Inspection Commission;
Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Fu Linguo of the General
Logistics Department and the former Commander of Shanxi
Provincial Military Region Major General Fang Wenping were
both recently arrested due to their bribery involvement.

At the time when Fu Linguo was arrested,
a group of military officers from the General Logistics
Equipment Bureau, Land Bureau, Military Representative
Bureau, Construction Bureau were also caught.
In addition, with exception of =former CCP Head
Liu Shaoqi’s son Liu Yuan, last round’s all former military
head officers of General Logistics Department have all been
interviewed by the Military Discipline and Inspection Commission.

Mr. Hu Ping is the Chief Editor of Chinese American magazine
Beijing Spring.
He pointed out that the main charge lodged by authorities
against Xu Caihou is sellingofficialmilitary positions.
If it is serious to check up on the case,
there is almost no military General who did not involve Xu.

Hu Ping: “We found that now all caught military Generals
were from a poor family.
They have no way for promotion and now the entire
Chinese military and government is so corrupt.
Those soldiers whose parents are high ranking officials
have smooth promotion.
Other soldiers will have to rely on money for promotion.

Therefore, to sell and buy the rank as well
and carry out bribery have a very broad market."

Chinese senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming says that
what Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang regime have destroyed
are basically those people belonging to Jiang Zemin’s faction.

The next step is to aim at Zhou Yongkang
and the former Vice President Zeng Qinghong
after these followers are caught.

Zhao Yuanming: “Some incumbent members
of the Politburo Standing Committee may have also been
gradually exposed, and then they will be gradually purged.

This is a big chess match.

We can say now it is the anti-corruption wrap stage
and the eventual corruption head might be Jiang Zemin."

Internet user “Mountains Speechless" questioned, Xu Caihou
has finally been taken down, and in fact, Xu Caihou
is just a macaque.

So who is the “tree?
This goes without saying and everyone knows.

Interview/chenhan Edit/liyun Post-Production/zhongyuan
