【禁聞】廣州市委書記落馬 會扯出背後的誰




















時事評論員黃金秋:「現在的很多官員,包括很多省部級的,都是過去不同的那些常委、元老提拔起來的,他們每個人都有自己的山頭。 可以想像,廣州市委書記的落馬,可能會牽扯出一批更高級的官員。」


採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Wan Qingliang, Guangdong’s Big Tiger, Sacked

On June 27, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
(CCDI) announced that the Guangdong Provincial Communist
Party Standing Committee Wan Qingliang is being investigated
for alleged serious violation of the law.

Wan Qingliang is the first sacked Guangdong provincial official.

To date, the regime has investigated 15 provincial officials.

The case of Wan Qingliang, also Guangzhou Municipal
Party Secretary, is sure to cause a great shock
to Guangdong officialdom.

The following is our report.

It all happened suddenly.

The CCDI took Wan Qingliang away during the provincial
standing committee meeting.

Wan Qingliang was scheduled to visit Guangzhou University
that day.

Wan Qingliang had been talking about “self-criticism"
in a forum just the morning before
and hosted a project meeting in Tianhe District in the afternoon.

The Chinese media speculated: Wan Qingliang is closely
related to the corruption case in Jieyang City last year,
and the construction of Guangzhou City.

Early last year, the Guangdong Provincial Commission
for Discipline Inspection announced former Party Secretary
of Jieyang City, Chen Hongping, repeatedly accepted huge

Wan Qingliang has ruled Jieyang City for many years.

Chen Hongping was considered a work partner of Wan.

Moreover, Wan Qingliang and Chen Hongping were said
to share the same mistress, Xu Xiaowan.

Investigative reporter Zhao Shilong revealed in WeChat:
Xu Xiaowan has produced offspring for both Party Secretaries.

Commentator Xing Tianxing suggests Wan Qingliang’s
ranking in the officialdom was due to his active participation
in Jiang Zemin’s persecution of Falun Gong.

Commentator Xing Tianxing: “During the Hu and Wen
leadership, when Zhou Yongkang dominated the Political
and Law Commission, Wan Qingliang was always actively
working for and supporting the persecution of Falun Gong."

It is understood that Wan Qingliang as
Party Secretary of the Youth League was actively promoting
propaganda and defamation against Falun Gong
among the younger generation of Guangdong.

Huang Huahua was former Guangdong Provincial Governor
for 10 years, during which time Wan Qingliang
was promoted to Jieyang City

For more than a decade, Jieyang City spent resources,
such as purchasing from Russia the phone tag and automatic
positioning device, to monitor Falun Gong practitioners.

Jieyang City Public Security Bureau was named the outstanding
unit assisting 610 Office tasks in 2007.

The Rongcheng District of Jieyang was assessed as the advanced
security area in 2009 for the achievement of “no Falun Ging
activities at the sensitive time".

In Jieyang, at least fifteen Falun Gong practitioners have been
persecuted to death, and hundreds unlawfully detained
in labor camps, with more than 3,000
abducted to the brainwashing center.

In early 2008, Wan Qingliang became the Deputy Governor
of Guangdong Province, the youngest provincial-level cadre
in Guangdong.

Hong Kong magazine XinWei has revealed that
Wan Qingliang’s sex scandal was reported to the provincial
Commission for Discipline Inspection,
Huang Huahua had helped to cover it up.

To please Guangdong political tsar, Chen Shaoji,
Wan Qingliang bribed Chen’s mistress with a 500,000 HK dollar

Chen Shaoji was known as Zhou Yongkang’s hardcore follower.

Both Wan Qingliang and Huang Huahua are on the list of the
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong.

Xing Tianxing indicates conflict is sure to exist between
Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign and the Jiang faction.

Officials such as Zeng Qinghong, Zhou Yongkang and other
Jiang faction officials will be involved.

An insider revealed Wan Qingliang realized that he was in trouble
last year.

He had tried 7 times to visit Ye Xuenping, the son of former
governor of Guangdong, Ye Jianying.

However, Ye Xuenping refused to see him.

The regime mouthpiece, People’s Daily, also posted on Weibo,
“Who will be the next subject in Guangdong?"

It suggested that Wan Qingliang’s case is just the beginning
of the hitting the tiger in Guangdong.

Commentator Huang Jinqiu believes the counterattack
of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption will only put him in a dilemma.

Zhou Yongkang’s case illustrates his point.

Commentator Huang Jinqiu: “Many officials have been
promoted by former Standing Committee or veteran cadres.

Each of them has his own support.

It is likely the sacking of Wan Qingliang will
implicate a number of other senior officials."

Huang Jinqiu also indicates that if the Chinese Communist
authoritarian system remains, the lack of democratic
supervision and press freedom will only keep
feeding the corruption.

Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign will remain superficial.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/XiaoYu
