【禁聞】醫患衝突 靠「守護天使」調解?







廣東醫師胡醫生:「醫患關係的話,現在社會上譴責醫者的人比較多一些,實際上醫院裏面是黑幕重重, 我記得鍾南山院士在兩會的時候也說到,中國醫療不靠技術靠開藥,這種現象是廣泛存在的。」












採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李勇

Doctor-Patient Conflict depends on the conciliation of “Angel Guard"

In recent years, doctor-patient conflict is
increasingly developing so that cases
of cruelly killing doctors frequently occur.

In order to “Promote interactive communication
between doctors and patients,
and enhance reciprocal trust", in recent days,
21 Beijing Municipal hospitals recruited
so called “Angel Guard" volunteers
for accompanying and consoling the patients.
Experts think, conflict between doctors and patients
is an issue due to current medical institutions
and is impossible to relieve only by conciliation.

In recent years, cases of hurting
and even killing doctors across China are increasing.
At the beginning of this year,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Authority strengthened
safeguards within hospitals.

In March, the President of the Supreme People’s Court
Zhou Qiang announced that this year the powers to deal with
the “Medical Troubler" have been enhanced.

The CCP Head Xi Jinping and the Deputy Chief
of the First Civil Chamber of Supreme People’s Court
Cheng Wenxin both said,

the crime of “Medical Troubler"
and attacking doctors by violence,
will be severely punished
and the penal responsibility of the relevant suspects traced.

However, such responses from the high level do not reduce
the cases of attacking doctors by violence.
At the end of March, a 45 year old man Wang Fangli
received an operation for prepuce postectomy
and then transfusion for antibiotic treatment
in Concord Clinic of Feng County of
Xuzhou City in Jiangsu Province.

But Wang was dissatisfied with the operation’s effects
and high medical cost, so he stabbed
the doctor Shan Erhui to death with a knife on April 8.

In view of such events, 97 positions
at 21 Beijing Municipal hospitals are recruiting 1573
“Angel Guard" volunteers who are expected to
regularly or long-term accompany and console patients.
It is said to promote interactive communication
among patients, medical staff and hospital executives,
as well as enhance reciprocal trust.

Dr Hu from Guangdong Province,
who does want to give his name,
says to recruit “Angel Guard" volunteers might be
useful in the short term, but useless long term.

Dr Hu: “as for the relationship between doctors and patients,
more people blame the doctor.
In fact, there are numerous black areas inside hospitals.
I remember that the Academician Zhong Nanshan said
during Two Major Conference, the medical field in China
sustains itself by selling medicines
rather than medical technologies.
Such a phenomenon is prevalent."

American National Health Institute’s expert Hu Zongyi says,
doctors are managing to make money,
which causes distrust between patients and doctors.

Hu Zongyi: “when seeing others can make a lot of money,
the doctors also invent other ways including
red packet within cash, discounts etc.
Some people can pay, so they do pay
and this is nothing for them.
But those vulnerable groups who have no money and cannot pay,
but have to look for a good doctor, so what can they do?
They of course feel unbalanced inside
and then the conflict arises."

Nanjing-based Southeast University Legal Professor
Zhang Zangning points out, the CCP Authority allocated
limited funds to hospitals. So 90% of hospitals support
the doctors with the money made by hospitals themselves.

Zhang Zangning: “So the doctors had to
give more medicines and more checking procedures.
Medical morality and medical style have
significantly collapsed, which has sharpened
the doctor-patient conflict.
The problem of ordinary people’s difficulty in seeing a doctor
and affording the medical costs
has become more and more outstanding.
Because our country lacks a responsible government."

The CCP’s Representation of National People’s Congress
and the head of Taizhou Hospital in Zhejiang Province
pointed out during last year’s Major Conference,

since reform and open policy was implemented,
the medical service market was only targeting
“economic treatment", which aggravated
ordinary people’s medical burden into a heavy situation.

The monopoly of the medical profession and the degradation
of some doctors’ professional nature, lifts the medical cost
thus leading to the difficulties of a patient in
seeing a doctor and high cost pressure on the patients.

Zhang Zanglin said, the CCP Government has
a No. 1 administrative cost,
but funds the medical field at a much lower level.

Zhang Zanning: “A huge amount of money has been
used for buying cars and properties for officials,
which causes the difficulty and the expense
of seeing doctors for ordinary people.
This is to push the original discontents
towards the government and the CCP on to the doctors,
and to attribute all these unfair phenomena
to the doctors. The truth is too little funding
for the medical field by the Government."

In January of 2009, “New Medical Reform" Scheme
was passed and it was planned to fund 850 billion
in a three year period to “fully cover" a total
of 1.3 billion population.
But, the misallocation of medical resources
has not yet been improved, and doctor-patient conflict
is increasing year by year.

The lawyer of China’s Doctor Association Deng Liqiang
told media, previously cases of attacking doctors
were 11,000. But since 2009, there is an annual increase.

According to the CCP’s Health Ministry statistics data,
in the last year, there were about 70,000 medical dispute cases.

CCP Representative and lung transplant expert Chen Jingyu
said on the media that as a surgeon,
she has a heavy pressure. She was concerned about being
misunderstood and entangled by the patients
and their family members even in dreams.

She says, the medical profession was originally a respected field.
But along with recent years’ increasing incidents
between doctors and patients and
frequent violent incidents, the attractiveness
of the medical field is largely reduced
and even regarded as a dangerous profession.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Yong
