【禁聞】台灣學運落幕 各界呼籲對學生寬容

















採訪編輯/熊斌 後製/孫寧

Heroic Students Now Facing Serious Criminal Charges And Punishment

Taiwan Sunflower Student Movement is about to close. Although President Wang Jin-pyng promised not to call any cross-party caucus meetings on the trade pact until the new oversight law has been enacted; the students will be withdrawn from the Legislative Yuan at 18:00 on April 10. However, the students are now faced with legal responsibilities for occupying the Legislative Yuan, including the damage to properties and criminal liability. Five Taiwan University presidents and the mainland activists have called for tolerance towards the students and acknowledged the great contribution the students have made to Taiwan democracy.

On April 7, Sunflower student movement announced the evacuation at 6pm of April 10 and promised to restore the assembly hall. On April 8, the students began the clean up.

Astonishingly, Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou, Premier Jiang Yi-huah and the Minister of Justice Luo Ying-shay, have indicated that the participants are to be punished by law. According to Taipei prosecutor’s office, there are 19 cases filed against 34 defendants. The charges are for offenses of obstructing an officer in the discharge of duties, offenses of extortion and malfeasance in office, and violating the assembly and parade act.

In response to the investigation from prosecutors and police, the Sunflower student movement leader Lin Feifan said the students will assume the legal responsibility. Meanwhile, he called on the government not to aevenge politically on the students.

On April 7, 5 University Presidents issued a joint statement calling for tolerance towards the students.

Some media reported that the Legislative Yuan have estimated a cost of about NT$100M for repairing and the clean up, that would take about a month to complete. The Legislature has conducted investigations of the damage and the loss, but the exact amount can not be confirmed.

Ouyang Jinghua, Hunan activist: “I think they should show tolerance towards the students because of their contribution to democracy. Besides, the students’ appeal is very reasonable and not a prank or criminal. It’s not reasonable to charge students NT$100M,which seems dishonest. The students are not guilty and the government should pay for it."

Some Taiwan people posted on Facebook stating that NT$100M repair costs must include rebate!

On March 7, the 126 unions of Taiwan Federation of Labor issued a joint statement condemning the student vandalism, and that the students should be held accountable.

Mainland netizens believe that the cost of repairing the Legislature should be evaluated by a neutral and third party.

Mainland activists indicate that the protest was triggered by KMT violating public opinion by hastily and forcibly passing the trade pact. It is the KMT that had pushed Taiwan’s democracy and constitution into an unprecedented crisis. The KMT should be held accountable for the damage. The students’ brave acts should be rewarded rather than punished. The KMT will lose the support of the people and the votes if they pursue the legal conduct.

Mr. Sung, Hubei activist: “Taiwan student movement is a fundamental expression of a free country. When the government has violated people’s wish, the people have the rights to voice their opinions. It might have been done a bit radically, but it fits the fundamental principle of a free country. The students ought to be forgiven and the people should stand up for the interests of the students. They should speak up."

The mainlanders are very envious of democracy in Taiwan and appreciate what the Taiwanese students have done for democracy. It is said that, historically, suppression of student movements is not done by any good regime. For example: the CCP’s suppression of pro-democracy movement in 1989.

Mr. Zhang, Shanghai netizen: “We support the Taiwanese student movement as well as the evacuation from the Legislature. The student movement in general is representative of advanced development, and should be supported. The mainland students are numb and indifferent to politics. The CCP does not want the students to get involved in politics, and the students have been brainwashed by the CCP."

Support groups in the student movement in Taiwan initiated an on-line registration to fix the Legislature at 3:00 on the 8th. People specialized in architecture, construction, design, audio equipment are called for to participate in the restoration of the Legislative Yuan. In eight hours, more than 1,000 Taiwanese have responded to the on-line call.

The Facebook designated, “You guard the democracy, we fix the Legislative Yuan," has won more than 20,000 “Like it.”
