
















今年,美國獨立新聞組織「國際調查記者聯盟(International Consortium of Investigative Journa-lists,ICIJ)」發表了一份調查報告,其中披露,中共高層精英及他們的近親們,多年來在加勒比海「避稅天堂」擁有秘密離岸公司。據估計,自2000年以來,通過離岸公司管道流出中國的金額,最高達 4萬億美元。


採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/孫寧

The Cost of Anti-Corruption: Hundreds of Billions RMB

Since Xi Jinping vowed to tackle corrupt officials both big and small, tigers and flies, as many as 19 provincial senior officials as well as officials at the ministerial level such as Jiang Jiemin, Li Chongxi, and Li Dongsheng were sacked. However, it comes with a cost.

An economic analysis suggested that anti-corruption will cost China hundreds of billions of RMB. Will the anti-corruption really work? Please follow our report.

A report by Bank of America Merrill Lynch this week showed the Communist regime’s anti-graft campaign could cost more than $100 billion this year alone.

According to BBC ‘s analysis, Merrill Lynch ‘s report suggested many of the micro effects of Xi Jingping’s anti-corruption drive have already been well documented of course; a slowdown in the restaurant trade for example, and a big dip in sales of luxury goods.

The prohibition on government consumption and the chill on administrative spending are estimated to cause sharp reduction in domestic consumption.

A rough calculation by the BBC report, this reduction could add up to as much as US $135 billion, which is the equivalent of 800 billion RMB.

Merrill Lynch report also said that since early last year, government bank deposits have been soaring, up almost 30% year on year, a manifestation of reduced economic activity .

Wu Fan, political commentator: “The regime ‘s anti-corruption was through political pressure, rather than by supervision of the legal system or public opinion. Can the phenomenon of anti-corruption really last?"

By end of 2012, Bloomberg News mapped the families of Communist China ‘s “Eight Immortals" and tracked the wealth of 103 of their descendants. The heirs ran or held top positions in state-owned companies to amass wealth and influence. Three children alone — General Wang ‘s son, Wang Jun; Deng ‘s son-in-law, He Ping; and Chen Yuan, the son of Mao ‘s economic tsar — headed or still run state-owned companies with combined assets of about $1.6 trillion in 2011.

So far, none of these princelings have been put under investigation.

Reuters recently reported according to three sources that the Communist regime has seized assets worth at least 90 billion yuan ($14.5 billion) from Zhou Yongkang and his family.The party’s anti-corruption watchdog had frozen bank accounts with deposits totaling 37 billion yuan and seized domestic and
overseas bonds and stocks with a combined value of 51 billion yuan.

Investigators had also confiscated hundreds of apartments, villas, as well as numerous antiques and contemporary paintings.

But the regime seems to get stuck with the “big tiger" Zhou Yongkang ‘s case.

Financial Times recently reported that insiders ‘ pointed out that former leaders Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao have both sent messages to Xi Jinping, that in order “not to take on too many of the powerful families or patronage networks at the top of the party hierarchy,"

“the footprint of this anti-corruption campaign cannot get too big."

Xi Jinping was warned “that a campaign that lasted too long and
was too harsh could erode support among the Communist party ‘s
rank and file and threaten the stability of its rule.”

Lan Su, commentator: “From the perspective of the regime system, the Communist regime corruption is not about economy, but rather a political issue. This political issue has been caused by the highly centralized political corruption which lacks checks and balances of power. “

Commentator Lan Su analyzes that the political corruption of the Communist regime is the core of the root, and the economic corruption is just what it presents. The CCP ‘s tackling the economic corruption has been exactly
targeting what it reflects, so that the one-party authoritarian political system, i.e., the core political corruption, is maintained. The ineffectiveness is imaginable.

In fact, the political corruption has infiltrated to the entire Chinese society.

Research found, the undeclared “gray income" reached 6.2 trillion RMB (about $1 trillion) in 2011, or about 12% of GDP. Majority of the gray income can easily be channeled out into private pockets of the corrupt officials and political elites.

Commentator Wu Fan believes that those powerful and elite groups of the regime will find a way to spend their wealth, if restricted in China, such as transfer assets overseas.

This year, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ, reported financial records that revealed close relatives of China’s top leaders have used secretive offshore companies in Caribbean tax havens that helped shroud the Communist elite’s wealth.

As much as US $4 trillion in untraced assets have left China through these offshore companies since 2000.

Living in Russia, former U.S. intelligence officer Snowden has revealed that the Communist officials had foreign deposits amounting to US $4.8 trillion. This amount was calculated could support the entire Chinese population’s free medical insurance for 625 years.

Interview/SongFeng Post-Production/SunNing
