【禁聞】走出去與請進來 兩會曝光燒錢文化


對於「走出去」,譚利華介紹,中共駐奧地利使館的文化參贊,從去年1月到8月間,已經接待了133個中國音樂團體,這些團體中,有中央級官員「寫條子」邀請的,也有軍旅級別官員寫條子,和各省市官員寫條子邀來的。而 大部分團體都是出國「鍍金」,他們不在乎表演有沒有觀眾。







另外還有一個手法叫「請進來」。譚利華介紹,2001年6月23號,北京為申辦2008年奧運會,特別邀請了世界著名三大男高音——帕瓦羅蒂(Luciano Pavarotti)、多明戈(Placido Domingo)和卡雷拉斯(Jose Carreras),在故宮午門前的紫禁城廣場舉辦音樂會。

譚利華披露:世界三大男高音來華演出時,經紀公司的標價是每人5萬歐元,他們在南韓首爾的演出費用是5萬美元。但是北京付給他們每個人380萬元人民幣,相當於40多萬歐元, 60多萬美元。









採訪編輯/唐音 後製/陳建銘

Regime Buffoons and Philistines Desperate to Buy “Class”

annual Parliamentary meetings,
the Political Consultative Conference committee, also head
of Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Tan Lihua, brought up the money
burning culture of the regime.

Tan Lihua indicated that the cultural achievements claimed by the
regime is typically done by either the “going abroad” or by the
“invitation”, method.

Tan Lihua explained the “going abroad” method with the
example of the Embassy in Austria.
The Cultural Counselor of the Embassy entertained 133 Chinese
music groups between January and August last year.
They were invited by the “notes” from officials of the regime
central, military, provincial and municipal governments.
The majority of these groups went to Austria just “for show”,
not caring if there is any audience.

The staff at the Embassy complained that: there is too much pressure.
No one would watch it even if they were paid.
Tan Lihua said, those shows have become jokes.

In 2003, the Chinese singer Song Zuying had an individual
concert at the Great Hall of Vienna, Austria.
She admitted that her concert had a poor start.

Wang Zang, poet: “They have tampered with the culture and
delivered what they call “the Chinese culture” overseas.
It is entirely self-entertaining for the government.
In fact, the West pays no attention to it.
Song Zuying went to Vienna to burn the money. To stand on
the world famous stage does not mean you are a
person of culture.

They simply buy a stage. A clown can buy a stage too,
as long as you pay."

Those “going abroad” groups are known to solve the problems of
lack of audiences by touring with four or five groups together.
When one group is on the stage, the remaining groups act as
the audiences and applaud during the show.
The outcome then seems “successful.”
Tan Lihua criticized this as “self-deceiving!"

Lu Shang, artist: “In my opinion, it’s not real culture, but rather
a political necessity.
It is political manipulation behind all that prosperity.
Under the authoritarian regime, there is no real sense of culture.
I believe that the real culture exists in the ordinary society.

The official culture is entirely the Party culture, in service of
political needs and the Party."

As for the “invitation” method , Tan Lihua proposed that, Beijing
invited the world famous Three Tenors, Luciano Pavarotti,
Placido Domingo, and Jose Carreras,
to hold a concert in the Forbidden City on June 23, 2001.
This was done to help the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Tan Lihua disclosed: For the Three Tenors to perform in China,
the brokerage firm’s price was 50,000 euros per person, the cost
of their performances in Seoul, South Korea was $ 50,000.

But Beijing paid each of them 3.8 million yuan, equivalent to
more than 40 million euros, more than $600,000.

Wang Zang: “Their strategy of export to import has become what
they claim, reaching out to the world. That’s quite stupid.
It is both ugly and ridiculous to the world, for being absurd and
shameless. No one in this Internet era would believe it."

In contrast to the fake money burning culture, the Communist regime
has openly burned classical literatures, destroyed temples,
labeled the intellectuals as rightists and re-educated them with
peasants in the poverty stricken countryside prior to the 1980s.

Lu Shang: “We are the artists who have been suppressed. I have
painted mainly China’s political prisoners, prisoners of conscience.
But the national security has repeatedly warned me that none
of these works can be displayed.
At any sensitive time, they would camp in front of my house."

Wang Zang: “In the name of culture, they try to achieve their
political stability maintenance.
The communist totalitarian nature is to destroy cultures.

Once the culture is gone, they’ll manipulate the class struggle and
the Party culture to control people.
Once they destroy the culture, it is conducive to the expansion
of totalitarian communism."

It was said that it was former leader Jiang Zemin’s idea to invite
the world-famous Three Tenors to help the bid.
Jiang Zemin was known to burst out into singing Pavarotti’s hit song,
the Italian classic, “My Sun’ at international banquets.

Lu Shang: “I do not see his charisma. Actually, it’s all superficial.
I feel the chill to see our state leader to behave like this."

The National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing was
suspected of being built by Jiang Zeming for his mistress
Song Zuying.

The public has criticized the center as being “a bird’s egg on
the red tile of the palace of Ming and Qing."

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/ChenJianmin
