【禁聞】一樁驚動周永康冤案 376村民聯名信

















徐大為女兒: 「嗯,小時候看人家都有父親,很羨慕的……」





採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/舒燦

376 Villagers Cosigned a Petition Letter that Panicked Zhou Yongkang

Zhou Yongkang, the party’s former Sectary of Politics
and Law Committee, is said to be under investigation,
and a lot of wrongs related to Zhou Yongkang have been exposed.
A petition letter carrying public opinion, co-signed by 376 villagers,
has risen to the surface once more. The content of the letter
has put Zhou Yongkang in a panic.
Zhou even gave the order to investigate each villager.
This is the “petition letter event”
that once gained a lot of media attention.

Xu Dawei, Falun Gong practitioner from Fushun City, Liaoning,
was kidnapped in 2001 for his clarifying the truth about Falun Gong.
Because of his persistence in his belief,
Xu has been jailed and severely tortured in Dabei, Lingyuan No.1,
Fushun No.2, and Panyang Dongling Prisons.

When Xu Dawei was released in February 2009,
he had been persecuted so severely that his family
couldn’t even recognize him.

Chi Lihua, Xu Dawei’s wife and also a Falun Gong practitioner,
“My family and I came to pick him up on the day he was released.
When I saw him, I was so shocked. I couldn’t even believe my own eyes.
Xu Dawei looked totally different.
He was so skinny and his hair was completely grey.
Then I asked why my husband had turned like this.
No one replied. When I gave him food, he couldn’t even eat any.
Sometimes his mind was clear and sometimes he was muddle-headed.”

In addition, Xu’s family also found a lot of marks from
electric shocks and crusted scars on his body.
There were even prints of rope on his neck.

Xu Dawei left forever his beloved and just united family,
which he had missed for 8 years, when he was only 36 years old.
Xu died from organ failure only 13 days
after he got back home from prison.

Chi Lihua: “On the second day when Xu Dawei was sent to hospital,
the doctor tried to take some blood from him
but he couldn’t get any out of him.

When they checked his organs, they found that none of his organs
were working at all including respiratory organs.
Then after he had been back home for only 13 days, he left the world. ”

Xu Dawei’s wife (Chi Lihua) learned from the prisoners
that were jailed together with her husband
that Xu Dawei had been brutally tortured in prison,
especially in Panyang Dongling Prison.
Xu lost consciousness many times from various tortures.
Even his fellow prisoners shed tears of compassion for him.

Chi Lihua: “When his mind was clear, he told me he was beaten
and sometimes was fed with medicines that damaged his nervous system.
He was even given poisonous injections.
My husband suffered from various brutal tortures.
They pricked his fingers with bamboo and metal needles.
His fellow prisoners told me this.
They tied his limbs onto an iron bed and he couldn’t move even a little bit.
My husband also told me he was beaten so hard
that he lost consciousness many times. ”

Chi Lihua told the reporters that Xu Dawei’s body cracked
before he left the prison.
The doctor even said that it was a miracle that Xu lived
till he was sent to hospital.
But Chi Lihua knows that it was the spiritual power of getting back
together with his family that had made her husband keep going
until the day he was released.

When Xu Dawei was thrown into prison, his wife had just got pregnant.
In the past 8 years, Xu Dawei only saw his daughter once in prison.
It was the second time and also the last time that he saw
his daughter before he left the world forever.

NTDTV Reporter: “Do you still remember how your dad looked
when you saw him in prison? Do you still have any impression?”

Daughter of Xu Dawei: “I have some impression.
I remember when I was little, my dad wanted to hug me,
but I didn’t allow him to.”

Chi Lihua: “That’s when we visited him in Dongling Prison.”

Reporter:”Do know you how your dad passed away?”

Daughter of Xu Huawei: “I know.”

Reporter: “Do you have any thought about it?”

Daughter of Xu Dawei: “I wish China’s police would stop
persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners.
Evildoers are bound to be punished.”

Reporter:”Do you miss your father then?”

Daughter of Xu Dawei: “Of course. I’m so jealous
when I see all kids who have fathers.”

After Xu Dawei was persecuted to death,
Chi Lihua went to various judicial units and petition departments
to ask for an explanation of her husband’s death.
But, all she got were prevarications, denials and even threats.

At the end of 2009, in order to redress the injustice,
villagers of Yingemen village (Xu Dawei’s hometown), Qingyuan County,
collected 376 signatures after they learned Xu Dawei
was persecuted to death.
This action has caused panic among the party’s authorities.
Based on insider information from the police system,
at the time, Zhou Yongkang,
Secretary of the Party’s Politics and Law Committee
gave the order to thoroughly investigate the “signature event”.

On April 7, 2010, Head of Qingyuan County Judicial Bureau and
head of the county police station went to Yingemen village
in person to do the investigation.

However,, they weren’t investigating the truth
about how Xu Dawei had been persecuted to death,
but were investigating the villagers who signed the petition letter.

They asked many questions from door to door.
Among them are “who originated the petition?”,
“why did you sign the petition letter?”,
“if the petition is allowed, are you going”.

Some commentators pointed out that it showed
Zhou Yongkang were extremely terrified deep in his heart.
A co-signed petition letter even aroused a thorough investigation.
The petition letter carries public opinion with it.
It demonstrates people’s positive attitude towards Falun Gong,
which is exactly what the party fears..

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/ShuChan
