






北京《國情內參》雜誌首席研究員鞏勝利:「 我覺得可能最嚴峻的應該是7、8、9三個月,那時美國的QE要全部抽回。這很麻煩、很麻煩。因為新興24個國家貨幣全部貶。」












採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Breaking News: The Real Estate Bubble Has Burst – CCP Insider

The RMB against the U.S. Dollar fell on the 19th to a new low,
with a decline of 91 basic points, signaling the recent
devaluation of RMB.

Since January, the RMB has continued to rebase against the
US Dollar for as many as 490 basic points.
This phenomenon has set off alarm bells signalling the collapse
of the RMB or a manipulation by the Communist regime.
The following is our report.

The U.S. Dollar to RMB went up on Feb. 19 upon the opening
of the market to 6.0840, by nearly 80 basic points.
This trend has continued to 6.0898 as this report is issued.

Since the historical 6.0406 rate appeared in mid-January,the
U.S. Dollar to RMB has turned around and went up 0.5% and
hit the highest point since Dec. 9.

Last year, the rate went down by 2.9%.

The RMB to U.S. Dollar central disparity rate went down for
three consecutive days with a total of 100 basic points fall.
Hong Kong’s offshore RMB market also fell continuously and
anticipated a 0.7% decline in the RMB against the U.S. dollar
this year.

Hong Kong’s Sing Tao Daily reported that on the 19th in the
exchange market, at least two firms bid on U.S. Dollar and
pushed up the Dollar.

However, the reasons are unknown.

Beijing, Conditions Reference magazine chief researcher,

Gong Shengli believes that the RMB to U.S. Dollar exchange
rate has recently dropped because of the winding down on
monetary policy by the United States.

Gong Shengli, researcher of Beijing based magazine,
Guoqing Neican: “I think July, August and September will be
hardest hit with the complete cut of QE by the Fed.

There will be huge trouble as all 24 emerging countries’
currencies will experience devaluation."

Gong Shengli with the withdrawal of the U.S. Dollar, it’s a
tough situation for every other country, including China.
In order to avoid money shortage, it is necessary to keep the
exchange rate, injection of foreign exchange reserves,such as
in the real estate market.

Gong Shengli believes that this year the Communist regime
will face the most severe situation for RMB since the CCP
came to power.

More than 10 Trillion RMB of trust fund for the real estate
will mature this year.
The money shortage now signals big trouble ahead for
the real estate market.

Media reported that some real estate in Hangzhou, Zhejiang
has seen the first price cut on Feb. 20, at several thousand yuan
per square meter.

On the same day, a property developer in Xiangyang, Hubei
also halted the project due to the breakage of the financial chain.

CCTV financial commentator “Chopper" stated in the blog that
the devaluation of the yuan signals the bubble burst.
The Chinese real estate bubble has burst.

“Chopper" analyzed that the Chinese January deposits
decreased by 940.2 billion,
a majority of which was withdrawn from the selling of property
and transferred overseas or exchanged into the U.S. Dollar.
Foreign hot money will also flee the country upon realizing the
RMB devaluation, never to return.
The domino effect is likely to take place and result in the
Chinese financial storm.

Not long ago, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post
commented that,
signs of the yuan being overestimated have gradually surfaced
and the RMB depreciation is irreversible.

Professor Xie Tian, School of Business at the University of
South Carolina Aiken:
“The RMB’s problem is related to the entire economic collapse
of China,
including the toxic debts of the Chinese banks, the expansion
of local debts,
and the breach of contract of the trust funds, black market
banks and shadow banks, as shown by the activities in
the foreign exchange market."

Professor Xie Tian believes more signs of the RMB collapse
will show in the next few months, and the Chinese economy
will be faced with very severe troubles.

However, the Chinese think tank researcher Zhong Dajun
indicates that the downturn of the Chinese economy is just a
temporary fluctuation, not necessarily a crash.

Zhong Dajun, economist: “The RMB is affected by both the
currency and the current economic situation in China,
such as there are people in the international arena with low
expectations of the Chinese economy."

In fact, a key measure of China’s economy has continued to
decline in February.
The HSBC’s recent report on China’s manufacturing purchasing
managers’ index (PMI) fell to a 7-month low of 48.3 from
January’s final reading of 49.5,

where a reading below 50 indicates a contraction in economy.

The PMI’s employment sub-index also fell to the lowest point
in four years.

Interview/Yi Ru Edit/Song Feng Post-Production/Xiao Yu
