【禁聞】關鍵時刻 杜導正籲老同志站出來















外界普遍解讀為,習近平是藉機向既得利益集團放話:舊有的利益格局一定要動 ,同時還得小心遭遇「魚死網破」、「共同翻船」的結局。

採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/周天

Du DaoZheng Urges Senior Officers to Stand Out

Beijing’s Yanhuangchunqiu is regarded as a liberal magazine,
Feb. 18 a party was held celebrating Chinese New Year.
The magazine’s director Du Daobin addressed the party.
He said the current reforms have encountered heavy obstacles.
The nation is facing a critical moment, one of rising and falling.
All the former senior leaders should now stand out.

Over 100 people attended the new year’s party,
included was Li Rui, former Central Advisory Commission,
former communist leader Hu Yaobang’s sons, Hu Deping and Hu Dehua,
who also joined a meeting and gave a speech.
The speakers also included Li Rui, Zi Zhongjun, Qian Liqun,
economist Mao Yushi, amongst other people.

Du Daozheng aged 91, addressed there being two major
obstacles to the freeing of people’s minds.
One is of old notions, the second is the interest groups.

He stated, “Now the obstacle of deepening the reform is
very large, very complicated and very difficult.”

On Feb. 19, Du told NTD that the obstacles
mainly came from the internal communist system.
Within the communist system, there are two forces
that prevented further reform.

Du Daozheng: “One is the thought direction, an ideological
solidification and the leftist train of thought.
They frequently talk about socialism, capitalism, the bourgeoisie,
the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism
Also Mao Zedong Thought and the capitalist ideology,
which are a regular formality. They are not realistic.
If any issue occurs, they first ask you whether it is capitalist
or socialist, bourgeoisie or proletarian.”

Du says, due to the rigid ideology deeply rooted in the
Communist Party, some of the rulers are very dogmatic.
They frequently launch political movements,
arresting or killing people.
The Soviet Union was just like this, so was Mao Zedong.

Du Daozheng: “The second force preventing reform
is the interest groups.
The corrupt officials, who do wrong many deeds,
they are the interest groups.
They’ve monopolized certain industries, taking huge profits.
They are engaged in corrupt politics with corrupt officials.
They embezzled several hundred billion yuan. The interest groups are very bad now.”

Economist Mao Yushi told NTD that the obstacle of reform
comes mainly from the interest groups.
For example, the leaders of state-owned enterprises and officials,
those who are in charge of judiciary, those ones.

Mao Yushi: “People in the Political and Law Affairs Committee
have large and strong use of power.
Regarding the National Family Planning Committee,
if abolishing the one-child policy, they’ll certainly reject it.
Because there is profit they can gain from it,
thus they resisted the reform”.

Du Daozheng said at the New Years party, that China is in a
critical position, one of rising and falling.
Mao Yushi also said that China is now at a cross-roads,
where the direction is going, the high levels are still debating.

Mao Yushi: “Which direction should the reform go?
To remain in Communism or Capitalism?
What is the real meaning of the so-called Socialism?
It is not clearly stated.
This is one issue. Where do China’s morals lie?
There are different and various individual views.
Where indeed is the direction we should go to?
To the left or to the right? It is still unclear.”

Regarding China’s future direction, Mao Yushi says that
China must not carry on in a ocialist form,
nor carry on with the planned economy and class struggle,
or of splitting capitalists’ money.
He says that he doesn’t understand the communist regime’s
so-called socialism.
He believes that their socialism is a modified capitalism.

Li Rui, who is 97 years of age, was Mao Zedong’s secretary.
He lamented the limitations of his life and recited a poem:
“Soon tol be cast into the fire,
never stopped to serve the people,
when the constitutional system is implemented,
my soul shall smile.”

Xi Jinping was interviewed in Sochi, Russia last weekend.

Xi talked about the problems of the current reform
faced in China today.
Xi said that the reform has been ongoing for over 30 years,
which has now going ever deeper.
“The easy and cheerful part of reform is complete,
the good parts of the meat have been eaten,
the left over bits are hard to chew.”

Observers understood that Xi uses the opportunity to send
messages to the interest groups:
“The old structure must change, yet meanwhile to be alert,
alert about “fish breaking from the net”
and “boats sinking together”.

Interview & Edit/Qingxue Post-Production/Zhoutian
