



邢世庫的妻子趙桂榮表示, 2006年,丈夫邢世庫因單位企業改制,個人利益被嚴重侵犯,迫使他逐級上訪到北京。2007年,身體和精神狀況皆良好的邢世庫,被綁架到精神病院非法拘禁。













採訪/陳漢 編輯/王子琦 後製/李智遠

Healthy Chinese Petitioners Subjected to Forced Psychiatric Treatment

Subjecting healthy citizens to forced psychiatric treatment
is a routine practice under the Chinese Communist Party.
This is done in the name of maintaining stability.

Recently, a website that defends rights in
China published it’s annual report on China’s
mental health and human rights in 2013.

The report revealed that many petitioners faced forced
psychiatric treatment. The following is our report.

Human rights organisation ‘Civil Rights and Livelihood
Watch’ published it’s annual report on February 13.
It has been closely following activists being
forced into psychiatric hospital treatments.

The report revealed that a wide range of Chinese
people are forcibly treated in psychiatric hospitals.
They range from all sections of society, including a party
secretary, judge, university faculty staff, to a butcher.
It also includes migrant workers, but mostly, it
consists of petitioners, who are healthy citizens.
Cases of psychiatric abuse are widespread in China,
including in Liaoning, Anhui, Hunan, and Shanghai.
Included in the report is the case of petitioner
Xing Shiku, from Harbin in Heilongjiang Province.
He is currently detained under forced psychiatric treatment.

Xing Shiku’s wife Zhao Guirong explains that
her husbands rights were seriously violated
during the reorganization of his work unit in 2006.

He went to Beijing to petition, but in 2007,
the healthy Xing Shiku was abducted.
He was illegally detained in a psychiatric hospital.

To defend her husband, Zhao Guirong also
went to Beijing, hoping to resolve the issue.
However, Zhao Guirong was repeatedly kidnapped
back to Heilongjiang and tortured in a black jail.

Zhao Guirong, Harbin resident: “There is no
freedom, even our lives and health are threatened.
Release my husband! Let my family be reunited!
No one should deprive our rights of freedom.
My basic human rights deserve to be respected!
I am afraid that if my husband stays in
hospital any longer, they will kill him.
When I was detained in the black jail, they poisoned me."

The annual report also lists ten most prevalent
psychiatric tortures that were reported in 2013.
This includes being tied up, long-term imprisonment
in a solitary cell, forced ingestion of medicines,
and force-feeding through the nose.

Among all the tortures, these were deemed by
eye-witnesses as the most terrifying means.
The victims of electric shock torture
are often left with burned temples.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist: “It is even darker than other tortures.
In the psychiatric hospitals, it is not about
physical work, but it destroys your mind.
It develops an intimidating obedience. I myself was
almost subjected to forced psychiatric treatment."

The Chinese Communist regime abuses
psychiatric diagnoses in order to detain
and brutally persecute healthy individuals.

Many victims of this treatment are the
largely persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.
Jiang Zemin initiated the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.

Since then, a high number of Falun Gong practitioners
have been confirmed disabled, mentally tortured, or
simply missing, because of forced psychiatric torture.

US-based Falun Gong Human Rights
Working Group published a report in 2012.
It detailed 1,089 cases, where more than 150 hospitals
were conducting abusive torture and forced psychiatric
treatments on Falun Gong practitioners.

The report concluded that many healthy Falun Gong
practitioners throughout China have been subjected
to forced injections, and feed with unknown drugs.

This treatment under detention in psychiatric
hospitals and rehabilitiation centres
damages the central nervous system.

Some individuals were left paralyzed or partially paralyzed.

Others were left blind or deaf, with permanent
damage to muscles and organs, or with loss of memory.
Other cases showed sudden death through seizures.

The tight censorship blockade on information by the regime
suggests these reported cases are only the tip of the iceberg.
The actual number of persecuted victims
in the psychiatric hospitals is yet unknown.

Tang Jitian, Beijing human rights lawyer: “It is largely
due to abusive powers of the police and the authorities.
Ordinary Chinese people can expect
to have no rights and no security.
This reflects a lack of boundaries with officials actions,
including the defining mental illness and forced treatment."

Although the CCP regime abolished the notorious labor
camp system, petitioners continue to be illegally detained.
They are now being kept in the newly emerging
“Admonition and Education Center for Non-Normal Petition".
These centres have appeared in Nanyang,
Zhumadian, Dengzhou , and Xinxiang.

Hu Jia: “With the abolition of the labor camp system, forced
psychiatric treatment is sure to become more prevalent.
It will take over the function that the labor camp
system previously had, of detaining Falun Gong
practitioners, activists, petitioners and dissidents.
Some officials might employ other criminal
means to continue it’s persecutory acts.
The CCP was fully prepared before it
made the move to abolish labour camps."

Hu Jia comments that the only way to completely eliminate
problems such as the forced psychiatric treatment
or black jails is to end the ruling one-party dictatorship.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/WangZiqi Post-Production/LiZhiyuan
