
【新唐人2014年02月14日訊】發生在天安門前的「六四屠殺」已經過去近25年,但它給那一代人造成的傷痛和影響卻一直持續至今——大量學子流亡海外、上萬被判刑的所謂「 六四暴徒」雖然都已重獲自由,卻因為種種原因,大多掙紮在貧困線上,艱難度日。甚至有一名「死囚」至今仍被關在獄中。













採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

A June 4th activist still confined due to refusal to plead guilty

It is almost 25 years since the June 4th(6.4) Massacre
in Tian’anmen Square.
but the injury and penalties on that generation
of people still lasts today:
many students exiled overseas,
hundreds of thousands of so called “6.4 Rioters’ today
struggle on the verge of poverty with a hard life
despite most of them being released.
However,there is at least one exception:
one “6.4 Prisoner with Death Penalty" is still in jail.

Beijing painter Wu Wenjian told NTD, after the 6.4 Incident,
he was sentenced to jail together with “6.4 Prisoner
with Death Penalty" Miao Shunde.
But Miao Deshun may well be still in jail.
Wu Wenjian says, he got the news from a netizen
who stated he met a relative of Miao Deshun.
Wu Wenjian confirmed there was a high possibility
for the news to be true.

Wu Wenjian: “Why I believe it’s true news?
Because according to the estimated time,
and my understanding of Miao Deshun’s personality,
the credibility of the news is high."

It is reported that Beijing resident Miao Deshun was arrested
for the “Crime of counterrevolutionary combustion-supporting
arson" and sentenced to a suspended death penalty
after he threw a large bamboo basket
at a burning military tank during the “6.4 Incident".

Meanwhile 17-year-old Wu Wenjian was sentenced
to jail for 7 years after he shouted a popular slogan
during the “6.4 Incident".
Then both of them were confined in Beijing No. 1 Prison.

Wu Wenjian recalled, Miao Deshun refused to
accept the charges imposed on him
nor write the repentance letter so
he was often electrified and tortured by the prison police.
It was hard for him to obtain remission.

Wu Wenjian: “He appealed his case in jail. In the prison,
once a prisoner makes an appeal, then this is equal
to a not guilty plea and regarded as anti-reform,
which involves the following remission, penalty etc.
If he has no satisfactory performance,
it is impossible to obtain a significant remission."

Dong Shengkun is another fellow prisoner of Miao Deshun,
who was also sentenced to a suspended death penalty
and is a Beijing resident.

Dong Shengkun says,
Miao Deshunis regarded as a “Rock Faction"
with the rejection of reform through forced labor,
and he suffered massive torture.

Dong Shengkun: “He was classified as
resisting reform through forced labor.
At that time, one policeman asked him to work,
but he refused. Later the policeman punished him.
He might have relatively strong verbal
or emotional responses.
The prison authority is afraid of his impact on the squad,
and then some people including him
were assigned to each of others’ squads."

Afterwards, Wu WenJian was informed,
Miao Deshun was eventually transferred
to “Yanqing Prison", where old, disabled and
other vulnerable prisoners are confined.
So Wu Wenjian guesses,
Miao Deshun’s situation should be certainly very bad.

Wu Wenjian says, excluding a group of
famous student leaders who are exiled in overseas countries,
the current situation for most of the “6.4 Activists"
is that few are of concern to the public.

According to the cited information by Apple Daily,
after the “6.4 Oppression", there were around
20,000 people arrested.

Among them, 15,000 people were sentenced
for “Counterrevolutionary Crime"
with more than 70 people sentenced to the death penalty
(including suspended option).
There were at least 10 Beijing residents publicly
executed by shooting for the “Crime of Counterrevolution Mobs".
Most of the 15,000 later received punishment alteration
and remission,and are currently suffering hardship.

Dong Shengkun: “According to my survey,
most people the same age as me are
living on the verge of poverty.
Most of them would not be old.
So after a long time in jail, most of them
have no necessary skills for making a living and survival.
This is one side. If you want to find a job,
the employer requires the penal clearance of you.
Without receiving such stuff, it is impossible to find a job.
This is a major issue for us to deal with."

Wu Wenjian hopes to appeal
through New Tang Dynasty TV for triggering more people
to be concerned about “Heroes without name”
who sacrificed half a lifetime for China’s freedom,
democracy and the rule of law.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/LiYong
