







報告總結了去年中共各級政府不斷強化的對人民的嚴密維穩與監控手段, 指出中共當局的維穩與監控,呈現擴大化、經常化、濫用化、系統化、持續化、嚴厲化、特務政治加劇等特點和趨勢。




廣西兩族人大火拚 警衝鋒槍鎮壓







The EU Is Seriously Concerned Over the Chinese Communist
Party Suppression Of Human Rights Activists

The EU foreign affairs responsible person Ashton issued a
statement on February 1.
The EU expresses ‘Serious Concerns’ towards the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP)’s sentencing and imprisoning of
the human rights activists.

This statement is a response to the CCP’s recent sentence
of Xu Zhiyong and other famous activists.

The CCP recently sentenced several anti-corruption activists
who asked the officials to publish their property holdings.
Many of the activists have been imprisoned or placed
under house arrest.
Xu Zhiyong, one of the founders of China ‘New Citizens’
and famous Beijing human rights lawyer, was sentenced to
four years in prison.

Ashton called on the CCP to fulfill its commitments to the
United Nations Human Rights Council, and release those
imprisoned and detained because of peaceful protests.

UK ‘Reuters’ reported that, the EU’s criticism of the CCP
is unusual.
In the past 10 years, following the rapid development of
China and Europe’s trade, the relationship between Beijing
and Brussels has become more and more ambiguous.

Maintenance of Stability and Human Rights Report Published

Mainland Civil Society Organization (CSO) Livelihood
Watch Studio in Hubei Suizhou, released the 2013 China
Maintenance of Stability and Human Rights Annual Report’
on February 3.
This is the first human rights report, which was released
and organized by a CSO.

The report concluded last year, all levels of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) continued to strengthen maintenance
of stability and close monitoring tools towards the people.

The report pointed out that the CCP attitude towards stability
,showed the trends and characteristics of expansion, abuse,
systematic persistence, intense and political spying etc.

The report also says that, under the current maintenance of
network stability, the CCP’s massive violations of human
rights have become normal.

The report said in 2013, the CCP policies of maintenance of
stability have become more stringent, demonstrating features
of many more reactive and sensitive periods.

Maintenance of stability and monitoring has become
more and more regular and inhumane.

The report also cites a large number of facts to prove the
CCP’s maintenance of stability system violates human rights.

Guangxi Group Conflict, Police Repress With Machine Guns

On the morning of February 2 at Guangxi, Guigang City,
Pingnan County, a conflict occurred between over six hundred
people from the local Li Family and Liang Family at Pingshan
bus station.

During the conflict, windows of cars and the bus station
were smashed.
Pingshan County police station opposite the bus station was
unable to prevent the conflict, one policeman was injured.
To avoid trouble, the police station simply closed the door.

The incident caused several hours of traffic jams.

Pingnan County later sent out large numbers of armed police
holding submachine guns to repress the crowd who were
forced to disperse.

Later, “NTD” reporter called Pingsha police station to verify
this incident.
The officers confirmed the massive incident and that the bus
station was smashed.
However, they were reluctant to answer questions about the
causes of the incident, the number of casualties and any arrests.
