【禁聞】維權律師被困青島法院 多人聲援

【新唐人2014年01月08日訊】維權律師被困青島法院 多人聲援





六十律師聯署 要求釋放劉士輝




山西攤販縱火自焚 抗議城管欺壓





Qingdao Court Restricts Human Rights Lawyers’ Freedom

Human rights lawyers Yuan Yulai and Xu Liping had their
personal freedom restricted at the Southern District court,
Qingdao on January 7. Many lawyers rushed over to protest.

Radio Free Asia report said the attorney Yuan Yulai was kept
at the Southern District police station that night.
He visited the court during the day to request expediting
the trial of Caixin reporter Chen Baocheng, but was thrown
out of the court by eight bailiffs.

One of the bailiffs later accused him of hitting out.

On hearing the news that attorney Yuan Yulai was kept at the
police station, many lawyers from all over China rushed to the
court, holding banners, requesting the release of Yuan Yulai.

According to the Chinese Human Rights Defenders website,
that at 9:30 that night, the two lawyers were still kept in the
police station.

Lawyers protesting outside the court have also been left alone.

Sixty Lawyers Demand the Release of Liu Shihui

Attorney Liu Shihui of Guangzhou is another lawyer having
his freedom restricted.
On January 5, Guangzhou citizens Xiao Qingshan and
Zhang Shengyu were abducted by the police.
The police claimed that they were organizers of hunger strike
of the Global Siege in commemorating the 25th anniversary of
the Tiananmen massacre.

Attorney Liu Shihui was restricted of personal freedom during
his visit to both Xiao Qingshan and Zhang Shengyu.

That night, six lawyers protested at the police station and the
police denied Liu Shihui was kept there by them.

On January 7, more than 60 human rights lawyers launched a
joint appeal to demand the immediate release of Liu Shihui
and an apology from the Guangzhou police.

Shanxi Vendor Self-immolates in Protest

Abuse carried out by the City Urban Management Bureau,
also known as Chengguan, has once again created disaster to
local Chinese.

A middle-aged male vendor in Jiexiu city, Shanxi, could not
tolerate the abuse of Chengguan and set himself on fire.
He was seriously burned.

A January 7 report by Radio Free Asia revealed that more than
a dozen Chengguan staff were conducting an inspection of
illegal hawking in the vicinity of Jiexiu railway on January 2.

When his repeat begging to not confiscate his wares and
motorcycle was turned down by the Chengguan personnel,
the vendor poured gas on himself and set it alight.

This stall vendor is reported to have been doing his business
in the area for more then 10 years.
The Chengguan recently initiated the ban in the name of
organizing the cityscape.
Local people suspect the unjust and corrupt actions of the
city inspectors.

