【禁聞】昭冤無期 天安門自殺越演越烈

【新唐人2014年01月04日訊】昭冤無期 天安門自殺越演越烈







嬰兒死亡與疫苗無關? 民要真相


消息一出,立刻在大陸網路上招來大量質疑,很多人懷疑中共當局是在試圖掩蓋醫療事故的事實, 「要真相」的呼聲響徹網路。








Tiananmen Square sees more group suicide protests

Many victims of injustices in China are choosing suicide
on Tiananmen Square as a form of protest after receiving
no results from the party, despite years of petitioning efforts.

The situation has recently worsened,
as more incidents of group suicide are appearing in Beijing.

On Dec. 29, six petitioners committed group suicide
near Tiananmen Square.
Just on Jan. 1, another petitioner, a pregnant woman
from Henan Province, drank pesticides on the square.
Her life was saved after being sent to hospital.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that on Jan. 3,
another group of over a dozen petitioners
committed suicide in protest on Tiananmen.

They were sent to Beijing Tongren Hospital.

The report quoted Sichuan petitioner Hu Jinqiong
who said that after 10am on Jan. 3, she saw three petitioners
falling down after drinking pesticides when she walked
near the police station on Tiananmen.

Before that, another two petitioners went to
Tongren Hospital to visit protesters who attempted suicide.
They said they saw four of them, including three females
who had drunk pesticides, and a male who had cut his wrist.

A paramedic revealed that the hospital had taken in several
groups of suicide protesters from Tiananmen by Jan. 3m
totaling over a dozen people.

Some either drank pesticides or
used other ways to attempt suicide.

The Party Found No Vaccine Quality Problem
in Deaths of 17 Infants, Questioned by Chinese

On Jan. 3, Chinese media reported an announcement
by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) National Health
and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC).

The commission said that investigations on the deaths of
17 infants who died after receiving Hepatitis B shots showed
no quality problem was detected in the vaccines produced
by Shenzhen Biokangtai Biological Products Corporation.

The announcement was soon widely questioned
by Chinese netizens.
Many doubted the CCP authority’s words saying it may
attempt to hide the truth of the medical accidents.
The words “We Need Truth” have been echoing
throughout the Internet in China.

Chinese netizen Shiwei Jianyuan
says the conclusion was no surprise at all.
He says the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDC)
has to certify vaccines before they reach the market.
If quality problems are found in the vaccines, it equates
to announcing there are problems within the CFDC itself.

Hong Kong Diaoyu Island Campaigner Confirmed to Be Held in Shenzhen

Diaoyu Islands campaigner Yang Kuang from Hong Kong
had been missing for several days in Mainland China.
It’s been confirmed the he’s being held at the Shenzhen First
Detention Center for “sneaking across the border”.

Yang Kuang』s wife, Chinese human rights activist
Liu Shasha, says she has surrendered herself to
the detention center, saying it was her request
which drove Yang to go back to the mainland.
She hoped to be held together with her husband,
but received no response from the institution.

Liu Shasha is staying outside the detention center』s gate,
and has gone on a hunger strike,
asking to be jailed together with her husband.

Liu tweeted on the morning of Jan. 4, saying a policeman
had just showed up to drive her away.
The police tried to persuade her to leave the gate,
“suggesting” her to do something else, such as visiting
petition offices, protesting with banners or Internet protest.
