【禁聞】李嘉誠再甩上海 對中國缺乏信心?

【新唐人2013年12月13日訊】日前亞洲首富李嘉誠手下的公司發出公告說,正在興建的上海寫字樓已鎖定買家,將以89.5億港元出售。這一舉動再一次引起外界議論紛紛。有專家認為,在中共總理李克強試圖把浦東建成國際金融港時,李嘉誠突然撤離, 這個動作只能解讀,是李嘉誠對中國的前途失去信心。










李嘉誠在《南方都市報》 專訪時說,在政策不公平、營商環境不佳、政府選擇性行使權力之下,投資意願一定相對下降。他還補充說,全世界投資機會多的是,他要選擇,一定是選擇有法治的地方,這樣才對得起股東。

紐約民主大學校長唐柏橋:「因為他(李嘉誠)的特別身份,是個香港首富嘛, 所以和中共是一種既合作,又若即若離的關係,他現在撤資,如果不是到了萬不得已,或者忍無可忍的情況下,他大概不會這麼做,他現在這樣做,實際上是發出一個信號,大陸這個社會已經走到了一個非常危險的境地,商業行為,政治社會各方面都是一個非常危險的境地。」





採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/周天

Li Ka-shing Once Again Abandoned Pudong – Lack of
Confidence in China?

Asia’s richest man Li Ka-shing’s company issued a notice
that the office building that is being built in Shanghai has
locked in a buyer and will be sold at 8.95 billion HK dollars.

This move once again trigged discussions.

Some experts believe that when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
is trying to build an international financial harbor at Pudong,
Li Ka-shing’s sudden withdrawal can only be interpreted as
losing confidence in the future of China.

On December 10, some media reported China’s Bank of
Communications will take over Oriental Finance Center
(OFC) at $1.155billion.

OFC is located at 333 Lujiazui Road in Shanghai’s Pudong
New District.
It was co-owned by Li Ka-shing’s Cheung Kong Holdings, ltd
and Hutchison Whampoa, each holding a 50% interest.
The office building that is under construction has a total
area of about 88,000 square meters.
It’s east side faces Shanghai Center and is expected to be
completed in 2014.

Since August 2013, Li Ka-shing has been selling his properties
in China, in areas like Guangzhou and Shanghai.
People think he is taking his money out of China
and transfering it overseas.

China’s business oberserver He Junqiao: “We all know
Li Ka-shing has a very good relationship with the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP). Now Li Keqiang is vigorously
developing Pudong.
Li Ka-shing’s sudden sales of his estate might be related to
Fortune 500 companies withdrawing from China.
I’m afraid there is lack of confidence in China’s economy and
political stability.

Around mid 2013, it is said Hutchison Whampoa intended to
sell its PARKnSHOP Super Store, with a transaction amount
of at least $1 billion.

Some Hong Kong media speculated it as a signal of
Li Ka-shing’s withdrawal from Hong Kong.
It was heatedly discussed.

On July 20, Hutchison Whampoa made an announcement
that it has no intention to withdrew from Hong Kong and
the plan to sell PARKnSHOP was suddenly stopped.

On September 17, Li Ka-shing responded in public that
he would not withdraw his investment from China.

However, Hong Kong Media pointed out that Li Ka-shing and
Leung Chun Ying do not “resonate".

On November 22, Li Ka-shing reached out to
China’s Southern Weekend.

In his interview he denied his investment withdrawal.

At the same time he stressed that Hong Kong cannot be
ruled by specific people."

During his interview with Southern Metropolis Daily,
Li Ka-shing said that willingness to invest will for sure
decline facing unfair policy, poor business environments
and selective use of power by the government.
He added that there are lots of investment opportunities
around the world.
He should choose and must choose a place of rule by law,
so as to be worthy of shareholders.

New York University of Democracy President Tang Baiqiao:
“Because of his special status, the richest guy in Hong Kong,
he works together with the CCP and also keeps a distance.
His withdrawal won’t happen if it was not necessary.
He is giving out a signal that China has entered a very
dangerous stage, financially and politically."

US Wall Street Journal reported Hutchison Whampoa keeps
acquiring construction and telecommunications infrastructure
assets in Europe since the global financial crisis with their
falling prices and weak euro.
In only the first half of 2013, they completed four overseas
acquisitions, with a total cost of 19.5 billion yuan (HK$).
So far, about half of Li Ka-shing family’s company assets
have been transferred to Europe.
Three-year cumulative overseas acquisitions
were up to 113.5 billion yuan.

Tang Baiqiao: “Over 25 provinces suffer from haze.
Chinese people have no way to escape.
Hong Kong and Taiwan citizens can leave.If he did not leave,
he would be responsible for the unfortunate things yet to come."

US Epoch Times also reported that during Li Ka-shing’s
interview with Southern Metropolis Daily,he actually disclosed
his real stress of being threatened many years by Jiang Zemin
and Zeng Qinhong.
It was similar to the situation when his eldest son
was kidnapped.

It is reported that Li Li Ka-shing also received
death threats from the Jiang Zemin group.
Zeng Qinghong ordered Li to step up and support him
on important issues of Hong Kong.
After Li refused, his family was threatened.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhouTian
