【禁聞】揭高官貪腐 大陸記者羅昌平被免職












獨立評論員 邢天行:「不管怎樣,它都是體現了中共這種意識型態,和它一貫對媒體的箝制打壓,這個本身使它(中共)對羅昌平這種敢講真話的人,帶著一種深深的戒備和恐懼,那麼這種人是不希望他(羅)長硬翅膀和他(羅)的影響力越來越大,所以它(中共)肯定是要採取一些手段。」







採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/李勇

Media Whistleblower Luo Changping Demoted

Luo Changping is Vice Chief Editor of Mainland China’s Caijing magazine. Luo was recently demoted to Caijing Research Institute a branch agency of the magazine. This move demotion has puzzled the media, and been widely discussed on micro-blogs.

In December 2012, Luo Changping used his real-name to whistleblow the Deputy Director of the National Development & Reform Commission Liu Tienan. This involved revealing misconduct and corruption, including falsifying academic diplomas, collaboration with businessmenand keeping a mistress. At that time, Liu Tienan was taking a position as Director of the National Energy Agency.

In May this year, Liu was investigated on suspicion of illegal behavior and dismissed through “Twin Regulations". The media widely agreed that it was Luo who acted as a whistleblower in this case.

Journalist widely regard Luo’s demotion as being linked to his high-profile whistleblowing of Liu Tienan. It is questioned whether Luo has suffered a typical day of reckoning.

Mr Zhu Jianguo is a former Deputy Chief Editor of Southern Employment Market Newspaper. He was also a key political column writer, and Chief of News Department of Hong Kong-based Takungbao, and Big Weekly. He suggests that to a certain extent, this event has caused a terrifying situation.

Zhu Jianguo: “A person like Luo Changping, as a media practitioner pushing reforms and anti-corruption, does not receive any recognition. On the contrary, he is required to leave the news media field. This event signals that only real freedom of thought can be achieved through real reforms, otherwise, everything is null."

Luo Changping is 33 years old, and his family originate from Hunan Province. He took the position of the Chief Journalist of China Business Herald News Weekly. He was also Chief Editor of In-Depth Reporting at The Beijing News. Following this, he was appointed as the Deputy Chief Editor of Caijing Magazine, in December 2009.

Because of his actions as a whistleblower, Luo was issued with the 2013 Integrity Award by Transparency International. He became the first Mainland Chinese citizen to win the award.

Just one day before Luo was demoted,he was awarded with a media prize, for the 2013 Netease Chinese Hero List, on November 26.

The direct trigger for his demotion was perhaps his speech when he took the award from Transparency International in Germany. Despite attempts by the Chinese authorities to block him, Luo insisted on collecting the prize in Germany. His speech at the award ceremony was called, “Moving Forward During The Political Haze." He said that, “if China wants to dispel the political haze and enforces prevention of corruption, it is impossible to only rely on the Government. It requires joint efforts of citizen society and the private sectors."

It is considered that Luo’s speech in Berlin touched sensitive nerves in the higher echelons of the Chinese regime.

Xing Tianxing, Independent Commentator: “Nevertheless, this reflects the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology. With it’s usual suppression of the media, they have a deep caution and fear towards Luo, who dared to tell the truth. Hence, people like Luo are not expected to develop with stronger wings, nor to have a significant influence. Therefore, the CCP has to take measures to control it.”

Luo is also the Deputy Chief Editor of Lens Magazine, a sister publication of Caijing Magazine.

On April 7, 2013, Lens Magazine published an article titled Going Out Masanjia Labor Camp. It revealed appalling, inhuman torture taking place in this re-education unit, bringing it to international attention. Many people knew the relationship between Luo and Lens Magazine.

Taiwan-based United Daily News reported that many Chinese journalists and influential bloggers were arrested. Some concerned governmental departments focused on catching whistleblowers and those monitoring the regime. This heavily hit media supervisory abilities.

Former media practitioner Shao Fangqing commented in a micro-blog, confirming the news of Luo’s demotion. He discussed Luo’s response, that it was “a good thing." Currently, Luo’s new position in the branch is not defined. The branch institute is like a blank sheet of paper, and there is a plenty of space for him.

Radio France Internationale cited sources, that demotion may mean placing Luo in a position of less influence. However, it may also be a form of low-profile protection.

It is understood that Caijing Magazine and Caijing Institute are both managed by Security Exchange Institute Joint Office. This was known by it’s short name of ‘Joint Office’. In 1991, it was renamed as “China Security Market Institute Design Centre." The Caijing Institute is a new institute, which has just been established without specific orientation.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/HuangYimei Post-Production/LiYong
