【禁聞】習李集權 江派人馬相繼出事













採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/李智遠

Xi Jinping Seizes Power: Jiang Zemin Faction Repeatedly Under Investigation

Following the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Third Plenary Session, it was revealed that there has been a restructuring of personnel.
Hou Kai, member of the Standing Committee of the Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) was appointed as Shanghai CCDI secretary.
Lu Xiangdong, Executive Director and Vice President of
China Mobile, was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of corruption.
Lu’s boss was Jiang Mianheng, son of Jiang Zemin.

Lin Xiushan, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department
of Heilongjiang Province was expelled from his position.
Lin was involved in the case of Liu Tienan, who
was head of finance for Jiang Zemin’s faction.
Analysts suggest that Jiang Zemin’s son Jiang Mianheng
has been in control of China’s telecommunication industry.
It is reported that he was the target of the CCDI, and is under
internal investigation for his the involvement in corruption.

On November 19, the CCP
initiated a new personnel structure.
Heilongjiang Provincial Party Commission announced
that Liu Xiushan has been expelled from his position.
Lin has allegedly been involved in the case of
Liu Tienan, who is in charge of state energy.
Lin became the latest CCP official to
be removed because of the Liu case.
Liu was said to control the finance for Jiang Zemin’s faction.

On November 5, Lu Xiangdong was
sentenced to life imprisonment.
He was found guilty of taking 20
million yuan ($3.3 million) in bribes.
On the same day, Lu’s wife was sentenced to three years
imprisonment, with a five year suspended sentence,
for her role as an accomplice.
Jilin Intermediate Court issued the
first trial verdict to Lu on November 5,
However, the news was only released
on November 19, after the Third Plenum.

Zhao Yun, a column writer for a Weibo
microblog commented.
Lu was arrested in March 2012, and the
sentence was given in November 2013.
This indicates that Lu was detained for 20 months
before the investigation report was completed.
Zhao says that in order to become a normal society, the
regime needs to respect one’s legal rights prior to sentence.

Zhang Jian: “Lu Xiangdong is a typical
victim of the CCP’s internal struggle.
This is Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang’s (Xi-Li) warning
to Jiang Zemin, including Jiang’s family and his son.
This is likely to be a sign that Xi-Li will
purge Jiang’s faction on a large-scale."

During Jiang’s tenure, his son Jiang Mianheng established
a giant telecom industry within the space of only a few years.
This includes the Shanghai Information Network, Shanghai
Cable Network, and China Network Communication.
His business became very extensive, including cables,
electronic publishing, CD production, high-speed broadband and e-commerce.

Lu Xiangdong was handled directly by court prosecutors,
rather than probed by the CCDI.
This indicates that the key evidence regarding
Lu’s corruption had already been obtained.

Lu Xiangdong, was an executive president
and deputy director of China Mobile.
He was also Deputy President of China Mobile,
which was listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
He was the second senior official to be removed.

The first was Zhang Chunjiang, former Party
Secretary, and former executive at China Mobile.

Shi Shi, China affairs expert: “This is an obvious sign.
From the Third Plenum document of ‘Decisions’ we
can tell that it targets the Jiang factions corruption.
For example, to abolish the labor camp system,
is the most frightening issue for the Jiang faction.
This is because the labor camps are associated
with Jiang Zemin’s persecution of Falun Gong.
In 2008, US official reports said that in the labor camps,
50% of the inmates are Falun Gong practitioners.
Now abolition of the labor camp
system will heavily impacted Jiang."

After the Third Plenum, Xi-Li are now
intensifying purging the blood-debt faction.
What will be the future of China Mobile?

Zhang Jian: “In China, people know that all the companies
with the name ‘China’ are not owned by local regimes.
Thus, Xi-Li will certainly send their allies
to these companies.
This is because Xi-Li have learned from the
previous leaders, to seize all major resources."

Xi Jinping’s regime established two
new organs after the Third Plenum.
These are the National Security Commission, and
a task group to oversee comprehensive reforms.
This has undermined Jiang Zemin’s
Politics and Law Commission.
The list of officials involved in the
China Mobile case may become longer.
Regardless who is the next, all the links in
the chain will finally lead to Jiang Mianheng,
Jiang Mianheng controls Shanghai’s main
economic sector, and China’s telecom industry.

Interview/ZhuZhishan Edit/HuangYimei Post-Production/LiZhiyuan
