















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

Chinese Lawyers: Removing Extralegal Organs is Urgent

The crimes of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
labor camps have been repeatedly exposed.
The CCP faces pressure from the international community
as well as domestic public opinion.
Recently, the CCP announced the removal
of the labor camp system in China.
On November 19, China-based Lawyers Group to Protect
Human Rights (LGPHR) issued a statement.
It requests that in addition to removing the labor camp
system, the disguised detention system also be removed.

In recent years, labor camps were used as a tool by each level
of the regime to detain civilians without legal trial.
The detainees include Falun Gong practitioners, petitioners,
human rights activists and dissidents.
The half-century-old labor camp system
brought great disasters to the Chinese people.

Although the Third plenum has approved the measure
to remove the labor camp system, 90 lawyers
from LGPHR, included Tang Jitian, Tang Jingling
and Jiang Tianyong, issued a statement.
The statement gives suggestions regarding the removal
of the labor camp system and urges to “completely establish
legislation to punish illegal behaviors and adjust the law"
which were mentioned in the “Decision".

The LGPHR said that it is unnecessary to establish new
legislation regarding the punishment of illegal behaviors.
If the regime must set up new legislation, they must respect
the fundamental principle for the implementation
of a constitution and the protection of human rights.

They must restrict the range of the usage,
and they must strictly follow the law procedure.
They must avoid casually expanding the range of the usage.
They should make sure the defendants’ legal support
takes effect.

Lawyer Tang Jitian: “The current Criminal Security
Administration Act is enough, we think it is unnecessary
to set up new legislation.
If the National People’s Congress (NPC) or Standing
Committee of the NPC adheres to a new legislation,
it must be very practical to use.
In addition, it must fully respect citizens’ rights."

The LGPHR’s statement contains six aspects.

It suggests the Standing Committee of NPC clearly prevent
the forced-labor camp system.
The highest organ, from a legislative point of view,
should formally reply to all citizens.
It also suggests that the NPC carry out the legislative

The statement highlights the fact that after the abolishment
of the labor camp system, each judiciary organ
should actively handle the work well.

Regarding issues of labor camp victims applying
for compensation, judiciary organs must conduct cases
in accordance with the law.

Regarding punishment of criminals, the regime should open
the floor for comments and open trials
to encourage the public to participate.

In addition, the so-called kind of legal education
centers which were illegally established should be abolished.

In recent years, the so-called “legal study classes", “legal
education schools", “legal education centers" and “black jails"
had illegally detained and deprived citizens of daily freedom
as well as persecuted citizens spiritually and physically.

Tang Jietian: “These extralegal education centers or classes
and black jails, as well as the places that illegally detain
people, prohibit citizens’ daily freedom
and should be abolished and cleared out.
Finally the responsible person should be investigated."

Since 1999, the CCP launched the policy of the persecution
of Falun Gong.
Falun Gong practitioners were held long-term in the labor
camps and black jails to face brutal tortures.
Under the international community’s condemnation
and Falun Gong practitioners’ exposure, the CCP invented
various hidden methods of the persecution such
as the “forced brainwashing class".
Some practitioners were released from jails but are still
being held in brainwashing centers.

Tang Jietian: “Temporarily abolishing the labor camp system
was the result of efforts made by people
and international communities.
The regime has no choice.
Although this temporary change can bring us happiness,
we cannot relax."

Tang points out that what is most worrisome is that
the labor camp system is being replaced by “forced
brainwashing class" or “illegal behavior adjustment law".
Its purpose is to continue the persecution.

Lawyer Tang Jingling: “To set up an ‘illegal behavior
adjustment law’ could lead to systematic persecutory measures.
So we remind people to be aware of any new legislation,
to avoid the legislative measures or related regulations
being approved by the regime, and to prevent the measures
from damaging human rights."

Chinese media reported that in Shanghai, the abolishment
of the labor camp system has been implemented.
Officers in the labor camps have been dismissed.

The report said that after the move, the judiciary will review
the punishment and adjust regulations in order to correct
the community system.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ChenJianmin
