【禁聞】中國記者獲反腐獎 陸媒異常低調













採訪/朱智善 編輯/張天宇 後製/葛雷

Mainland media ignores Corruption Award

International anti-corruption organization “Transparency
International,” recently awarded the “2013 annual Corruption
Perceptions Award” to Luo Changping, a journalist in China.

Luo became the first Chinese citizen to win the award
since the award was founded more than 10 years ago.
The world’s mainstream media have been reporting on the news
these past few days.
Yet CCP media has kept a low-key profile, with no related reports.

By reporting through weibo with his real name, about the corruption
of Liu Tienan, the CCP National Energy Secretary,
Luo Changping won the coveted “2013 annual Corruption
Perceptions Award” on November 8th,
along with Angolan human rights activist & journalist
Rafael Marques de Morais.

“Transparency International” commended Luo Changping
for “exposing corruption courageously through his personal
blog during difficult circumstances.”

Liu Yiming, former journalist of “Chinese Private”: “
Chinese people respect journalists who dare to expose the dark
side of society and to expose the dark side of CCP.

eGnerally speaking, journalists would
not dare set foot in this field .
There are way too many risks, including dismissal, placed in jail,
or even the loss of their precious lives.”

As the first Chinese person to win the “Corruption
Perceptions Award”,
Luo Changping wrote “Moving in the ‘Political Haze”
for the award.
He pointed out that, in China there is another type of haze, more
serious than the atmospheric haze, but one of a political haze.
The monopoly of power does not only rely on violence,
but also through the control of information.
Many Chinese media people have been harassed, dismissed,
arrested & sentenced by exposing the misdeeds of corrupt officials.
Luo Changping expressed the hope that media people will
soon break through this political haze.

In addition to this, Luo Changping encouraged Chinese media
people to understand, that there is still a lot of room
to make things happen, even in the cracks
during the interview of “Deutsche Welle” mainland.
When speaking about the event of reporter
Chen Yongzhou,
Luo Changping admitted that the media needs more
discipline and ethics, but also requires more respect and a
larger space of freedom in which to work.

Liu Yiming: “I think it is the institutional constraints. In
China, there is no real freedom of the press or
freedom of speech.

Many reports are very good and they are true, but they may
never be heard.
Even if you can make some very influential reports, you may
still face a variety of hardship or retaliation.
It is all quite possible.”

33-year-old Luo Changping, is deputy editor of “Finance”
He was former chief reporter of “China Daily” and editor
at the department of depth reporting for “Beijing News”.
He published a series of investigations on corruption,
such as Shanghai’s pension fund case, Liu Zhihua’s case
and many more like this.

In December last year, Luo Changping reported on the falsified
qualifications & collusion issue of Liu Tienan, deputy
director of the National Energy Bureau,

& the CCP National Development and Reform
Commission (NDRC).

The head of Information Office of the National Energy
Bureau then responded to the media saying,
“This message is pure rumor”.

However, in May this year Liu Tienan was investigated on
suspicion of serious violation of discipline.
He was then expelled from the CCP and public
service position.

Luo Changping’s success comes through reporting
via microblog.
However, he suggested that other reporters were not to follow
his lead during the interview of “New York Times”.
Luo Changping pointed out that his success was contributed to
by many factors all coming together as one,
including the struggles between the CCP leaders.

This can be a seriously risky business.
An ordinary person could not withstand the pressures.

He also revealed that, as early as 2007, there have been lots
more people reporting on Liu Tienan to the media &
Central Discipline Inspection Commission with their real names,

but all of these have come to nothing, just like the countless
real name reports in China.

In this regard, Cao Haili executive editor of the Chinese
website of “New York Times,”
pointed out that she is not optimistic with the current
“Internet anti-corruption”,
as there are no safeguard mechanisms in place
in China today.
The “Internet anti-corruption” may become a tool of political struggle
or merely go through the motions only.
Luo Changping also holds the same view.

Cao Haili thought that, if reporting on Liu Tienan is hard enough,
then no matter how hard Luo Changping works,
Liu Tienan will never fall down.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Editor/Zhang Tianyu Post-production/
