







由於去年2月,前重慶市公安局局長王立軍夜逃美領館,慾求政治庇護,拉開了中共政局巨變的序幕。緊接著,圍繞前重慶市委書記薄熙來的案件,令中共高層與前黨魁江澤民派系之間,展開了一場激烈 的權鬥。目前中共高層分裂公開化,政局動盪。








採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Are Reforms Empty Talk Ahead of CCP Third Plenary Session?

The Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) 18th Central Committee is scheduled for November 9.
The Propaganda Department is promoting
a positive energy through the talk of reform.
However, it is analyzed that any reform is just an empty
talk, as long as the persecution of Falun Gong continues.

Ahead of the Third Plenary Session,
the CCP is rallying on issues of reform.

The state audit department, SASAC, proposed reforms of
state-owned enterprises, to be launched after the Plenum.
The latest issue of The Economist suggests it
will be significant if land reforms, and reforms
of state-owned enterprise are achieved.

The reform blueprint, or “383 plan", includes
land reform, reforms in household registration,
financial reforms, decentralization, and centralising
the governing of prosecution and judicial departments.

Voice of America reported that reform has
been misused by the CCP for over 30 years.
To the Chinese people, reform is a dirty word for
officials to fulfill their own interests and entrap society.

Cao Siyuan, CEO of Beijing Siyuan Social Science
Research Center was also a member of the
economic reform committee at the State Council.

He highlights the horrible price when economic
reform and political reform are incompatible.

Cao Siyuan: “Under current circumstances,
there is no plan for any political reforms.
The 383 reform program at the Economic Research
Center of the State Council refers to economic reform.
Political reform matters most to
the future of the 1.3 Billion people.
The reform failure will only lead to economic
stagnation and it’s the people who will suffer."

The recent unfolding of CCP political upheaval ignited
in February last year, when Wang Lijun, former head
of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, fled
to the U.S. Consulate in Chegndu, seeking political asylum.
The subsequent trial of former Chongqing Party Secretary
Bo Xilai was surrounded by a fierce power struggle.
This struggle took place between the current Xi Jinping
leadership, and the faction lead by Jiang Zemin.
The split in the central CCP is now open.

U.S. based Epoch Times reported that the Communist
ideological bankruptcy has forced the CCP to focus on
economic growth, in order to sustain its ruling legitimacy.

Facing difficult political and economic situations, the
regime is forced to try to launch deeper economic reforms.

Political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang says that economic
reforms and policies of opening up helped to restore
China’s economy after the Cultural Revolution.

This seemed to save the CCP from the brink of collapse.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “However, political reform
did not follow with the economic reforms.
The rapid economic development of the
country has started off the wrong foot.
30 years later, economic development is at the cost of
trampling on human rights, environmental destruction, and
over-consumption of resources, and is coming to a dead end."

Xia Xiaoqiang suggests that the CCP has
completely lost the opportunity for political reform.
Xi and Li’s economic reforms are unlikely to succeed.

He believes the main reason to impede reforms in
China is to continue the persecution of Falun Gong.

Xia Xiaoqiang explains that since Jiang Zemin
launched the persecution of Falun Gong in
1999, he has been in fear of facing trial.

Therefore, he’s arranged confidants and people involved
in the persecution to control the core power of the CCP.
In order to persecute Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin
employed the resources of the whole regime.
This included human, material and financial resources,
with some estimates of as much as 700 billion yuan
spent annually on the Politics and Law Committee.

This far exceeding spending on the military.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “Any economic reforms will affect
Jiang’s faction in controlling China’s economic lifeline.
With these astronomical expenditures, it will be impossible
for Jiang to be able to sustain the persecution of Falun Gong.
Once the persecution stops, Jiang’s faction will
have to face the consequences of their actions.
Therefore, any economic reforms by Xi and Li’s
leadership will meet obstacles from Jiang’s faction."

Xia Xiaoqiang points out that the CCP’s
persecution of Falun Gong has become
the unavoidable checkpoint for the regime.

As long as the Falun Gong issue is not resolved,
which involves hundreds of millions people, and
as long as Jiang’s faction is not disbanded, any
reforms areself-deceiving and ultimately futile.

Interview & Edit / Chang Chun Post-production /
