【禁聞】懲罰薄熙來翻供 輕罪重判?















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李勇

An over-punishment to Bo Xilai?

On September 22 Beijing time, Bo Xilai was sentenced to life
imprisonment by the CCP.
Before sentencing, quite a lot of people thought the final decision
on Bos’ case would range between 15 to 20 years, according
to complaints of the three criminal charges.

Therefore, the life imprisonment sentence given, is slightly
beyond expectations, which means it is an over-punishment.
It is therefore believed this is a punishment of
Bos estoppels at the first instance.
Ther’e are comments mentioned that the authorities are trying to conceal
the true felony of Bo, thus missing an historic opportunity to correct errors.
There is likely to be endless trouble.

According to analysis of Hong Kong media, Chen Xitong,
the former Party Committee secretary of Beijing, was jailed
for 16 years due to accepting gifts worth 550,000 RMB.

Chen Liangyu, former Party Committee secretary of Shanghai,
was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment,
with 2,390,000 RMB.

Therefore, the sentence of Bo Xilai should be between 16
and 20 years because the briberies and corruptions amounted
to more than 25 million RMB.

However, Bo Xilai was sentenced to life
imprisonment. It is apparently an over-punishment.

However, Deng Yuwen, former deputy editor of “Study
Times" at the Central Party School, thought that Bo’s judgment
was reasonable according to the legal provisions.

Deng Yuwen:"The three criminal charges, from a legal
point of view, Bo was not sentenced with over-punishment.
With more than 10 million in bribes, if in accordance with the
applicable law in China, are enough to sentence Bo to life
imprisonment,not to mention there are three criminal charges.

Of course, from a practical point of view, general cases like
this one, may be sentenced to 15-20 years."

Then is the over-punishment a result of Bo Xilai’s estoppels –
Bo did not go with the authorities at the first instance.

Deng Yuwen:"If this conjecture is correct, then it reflects the
CCP』s so-called over-punishment: if you do not go with me,
I am sure you will enjoy a serious sentence.

In another words, for the current officials, if you want to challenge
the central authority, then you have to consider the consequences."

Yu Meisun, former Secretary of State Council, pointed
out that many of the more serious offenses of Bo Xilai are
being deliberately concealed, including the illegal
“beat the black" movement, confiscating
and sacrificing private enterprises and the persecution
of Falun Gong and Organ Harvesting.
These crimes have not been pursued.

The court avoids the important and dwells on the trivial.

Yu Meisun:"If the new government after the 18th CCP
national congress determines to change the past practice,
including changing the illegal suppressions, illegal maintenance
of stability, the persecution of Falun Gong and Organ Harvesting,
if they really are determined to change these practices,
then they should take this opportunity by pursuing such crimes,
thus making everything be a whole lot more clearer.

Sooner or later, this crime will be liquidated."

Yu Meisun said, if the authorities are determined to liquidate
the evil of Bo Xilai, it will help win the hearts
and minds of the public.

Yu Meisun:"The central problem is there being no such
determination or ability to change the practice,
nor remove the evil of the previous government.

Then this historic opportunity will be lost.

The new central government are undertaking the legacy
of significant ‘crimes against humanity’ from the government.
This is very unwise. However, there are no other ways."

Yang Junfeng, the Research Fellow from “Unirule Institute of
economics", stated,
Beijing published an article in the Financial Times
with the allegation, corruption is not the main
offense of Bo Xilai.

In contrast, to trample the rule of law is even more
dangerous than corruption.
Therefore, Bo should be prosecuted with the crimes of trampling
the rule of law.
Otherwise, it will be not meaningful to promote the social progress
and it is difficult to convince Bo’s supporters.

Withinn the CCP officialdom, there is no honest official. To accuse
Bo Xilai of twenty million in corruption and bribery, will not
convince the Chinese people.

People in Chengdu said to lawyer Li Zhuang, that their village
chief is much greedier than Bo Xilai.
At the same time, the rightists are dissatisfied by the authorities’
action – to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial.

Yu Meisun:"I think such a deal on Bo Xilai’s case will bring
more challenges and trouble to the future central government.
The central government is precarious. It is losing the hearts of
the public and hashas a lot of corrupt officials within."

The “Epoch Times" News Headquartered in the U.S. reported that
Zhongnanhai is unable to please any party due
to the result of Bo’s case.

The leftists think this case is a “political struggle" and a
“political persecution" trial;
The rightists think Zhongnanhai is “to avoid the important
and dwell on the trivial" and “let Bo Xilai go".
The orchestrated trial of Bo Xilai increased the distrust on Zhongnanhai
from different factions.
It accelerates the loss of public support.

Interview editor/Qin Xue Post-product/
