【禁聞】釣魚島中日對壘 9.18中國靜悄悄




















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/李智遠

China Japan Standoff Over Diaoyu Islands.
9.18 Anniversary Protests Absent

On the 82nd anniversary of 9.18 Incident, China and
Japan are in a stand off over the Diaoyu Islands.
The 9.18 incident refers to an event that
initiated Japans invasion of Manchuria in 1931.
A military confrontation over Diaoyu
could happen at any moment.
However, mainland China is unusually quiet
on 9.18, which even surprised the Japanese.
Why is the situation inside and outside of China so different?

September 10 marked a year since
Japan nationalized the Diaoyu Islands.
The CCP dispatched seven coast guard boats into territorial
waters, within 8 nauitcal miles of the Diaoyu Islands.
The Japanese coast guard dispatched 7 enforcement
vessels to monitor and block the Chinese boats.
China and Japan had faced a direct confrontation.

4 Chinese coast guard boats went into the territorial waters
of the Diaoyu Islands again on September 11, for inspection.
4 Japanese boats were again sent to stop them.

According to mainland Chinese media, the CCP
coast guard boats have gone to Diaoyu Island
territorial water 59 times in one year.

At one point, the boats were 0.28
nautical miles from the Diaoyu Islands.
Chinese and Japanese boats have
had close standoffs many times.

Hua Po, political expert, Beijing:"Japanese
media recently reported that a Chinese UAV
went into the Diaoyu Islands airspace.
Japan wanted to shoot it down.

The CCP’s foreign ministry spokesman responded
that China has the confidence and power to
safeguard the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands.
Meanwhile, a U.S. Pacific commander gave a speech.

It was stated that the US may send the
Osprey aircraft to the Diaoyu Islands."

Hua Po believes China-Japan relations are unpredictable.
If both sides are reluctant to back down, conflict is inevitable.

Hua Po indicates that Chinese people are unsatisfied with
the Bo Xilai trial and recent crackdowns on internet speech.
The CCP will be using the spirit of
nationalism to distract people’s attention.
The Diaoyu Islands dispute is a good topic to achieve this.

On 9.18 this year, only three locations rang air
raid sirens at 9:18 am to mark the anniversary.
This was in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, where
the incident happened, as well as Changchun,
Jilin Province, and Zhengzhou, Henan Province.

There were no calls for protest sent out over the internet.

Japanese media The Mainichi released a report.

On the 82nd anniversary of 9.18, although mainland local
media published commentaries, no Japanese institutions
or companies in Beijing suffered any protest activities.

Japanese No.11 District Coast Guard Headquarter
stated on September 18 that Chinese ships have
continually entered border waters since September 4.

The two Chinese coast guard boats left these
waters at around 10:50 pm on September 17.

9.18 incident happened on Sept 18, 1931.

The Japanese military seized Shenyang,
after a small explosion on the Nanman railway
was blamed on the Chinese dissidents.

After the incident, Japan and China conflict intensified,
and Japan began a full-scale invasion of China.
The Japanese military occupied 3
northeastern Provinces in a few years.

The Chinese people see 9.18 as a day of humiliation.

Last year, anti-Japanese protests took place in 150 cities
including Shenyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian.
People smashed Japanese cars
and restaurants in many cities.

This year’s 9.18 was very peaceful,
leaving Japanese media surprised.
Radio France International quoted from Japanese media.
It said,"it seems like China forgot anti-Japanese activities."

Political commentator Wu Fan indicates that the current
domestic and international political and economic situation
has forced Xi Jinping to alleviate China-Japan relations.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor, China Affairs:"From
this action, he (Xi Jinping) doesn’t want
to intensify the relationship with Japan.

There’s already the Diaoyu Islands dispute.
Secondly, trading between China
and Japan has declined substantially.
There’s almost no business between the two.
Japan has withdrawn its capital from China
and moved the investment to Southeast Asia."

Japanese media Chubun recently reported that during the
first half year of 2013, trade between China and Japan
was $147.2 Billion, representing a decrease of 10.8%.

Wu Fan also suggests that China’s
domestic situation is very sensitive.
Rights activities are everywhere, and the CCP doesn’t
dare to use “mass movements" to achieve political goals.

Wu Fan:"Rights protection in three
northeastern provinces are very severe now.
People are definitely not very optimistic towards the CCP.
If people also protest against Japan on the streets, it’s
hard to tell if the protest may also turn against the CCP.
Thus, the CCP is afraid of that."

RFI also pointed out that the CCP is very careful this year.

It took measures to ban and stop civil anti-Japanese
activities, in order to maintain social stability.
