【禁聞】薄案即開審 分析:三輕罪掩四重罪
















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/陳建銘

Bo Xilai’s Upcoming Trial: Three Light Crimes Covers Up Severe Crimes

On August 18, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
announced the former Chongqing party chief, Bo Xilai’s trial
is scheduled for Thursday August 22.

Bo’s case still has many mysteries existing with it.
For example, how will Bo behave in court?
Will he cooperate with the court, admitting to his crimes?

Will Bo’s wife Gu Kailai and former Chongqing police chief
Wang Lijun, also attend court to testify against Bo?
Sources say the secret trial of Bo Xilai has been dealt with
for quite some time now.
Analysts believe that the Chinese regime will dare to make known
Bo’s public trial, indicating a compromise has been reached.
In addition to this, in order to survive, the CCP would rather
charge Bo with three lighter crimes in order to cover up
four other more serious crimes.

The CCP mouthpiece media Xinhua website
issued a brief report.
It said that Jinan Intermediate People’s Court
had made an announcement, at 4pm on August 18.
Bo’s public trial is scheduled at 8.30am,
August 22 at court No.5.
The allegations against Bo are bribery,
corruption & abuse of power.

Gao Yu, a Beijing senior media authority revealed the
secret trial of Bo, has been going on for quite some time.

Gao Yu: “In the past, the CCP spent 6 months to rehearse
former Shanghai mayor Chen Yuliang’s trial.
However, Bo Xilai’s character won’t accept everything
that is re-arranged.
The internal trial links in with the CCP & state secrets,
many issues will not be publicized.
Enabling an open and public trial, does show Bo has
admitted to some of his crimes committed,
even a full acceptance of the three charges brought
against him.”

Gao Yu analyzes that sentencing Bo,
the unauthorized rule certainly played a role.
The unauthorized rule means both sides had reached
an agreement.

Gao Yu: “From No.24 document issued last month, we can
see that Bo’s son, Bo Guagua was involved in bribery.
However, Bo Guagua is still safe and hasn’t been placed
under any form of criminal investigation.
In addition, Bo Guagua has enrolled in the US school
(Columbia Law School in NY).
This is most unusual. If this incident was to happen
anywhere else in the world,
one would most certainly be investigated, according to the law.”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) cited sources that
Gu Kailai is expected to testify against Bo in court.
Gao Yu said this is also a condition, so as to force
Bo Xilai into an admittance of his guilt.

Yao Jianfu, former researcher of China’s Rural
Development Research Center commented.
Yao said the authorities have found the
three most minor crimes to prosecute Bo,
while the other four more serious crimes,
it appears he has been let off.

Yao Jianfu: “Firstly, they removed Bo’s Cultural
Revolutionary line,
which Wen Jiabao had pointed out before hand,
now with no mention of any leftist line.
Thus this makes Bo no longer a representative of leftists,
his charges will likely be reduced.”

Yao Jianfu said, secondly, the regime has also removed
Bo’s crime of plotting a coup with Zhou Yongkang.

According to the Epoch Times, Wang Lijun fled to
the US Consulate in Feb. 2012.
With Wang handing over materials to US officials,

including evidence about CCP highest-level officials’
corruption, plotting a coup and other such issues.
It also includes the inside information about the CCP harvesting
of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs whilst still being alive.
Sources say all information of Bo’s severe crimes have
been within the hands of the highest-level officials,
However, if any of these crimes get publicized,
it will cause the CCP to totally collapse.

Yao said the third crime to have been removed from Bo is that
of the anti-corruption policy during his tenure in Chongqing.
Regarding the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood,
Bo was only allegedly abusing his power.
This bringing the total to 4 major crimes
Bo has been relieved of.

Yao Jianfu: “By doing this, the CCP will maintain
the image of ‘Great, Glorious and Correct’.
Regarding political struggle, Bo is not the only person involved
in political struggles, but many have followed in his footsteps.
To cut off Bo’s other crimes is to isolate Bo, without other allies,
the CCP will conclude that Bo’s ideology isn’t good enough.”

The public opinion at home and abroad described Bo’s trial
as a “Century Case”, requesting an open broadcast of the full trial.
Gao Yu believes that the authorities will not fully broadcast
the trial like they did the trial of the “gang of four” after the Cultural Revolution.
Xinhua website didn’t mention the closing time of the Bo’s trial.

Bo Xilai’s lawyer told WSJ that the speculation is,
the trial will last no longer than two days.
The Gu Kailai trial has been held for only one day,
her sentence was announced 10 days later.
Gu was given a suspended death sentence.
