





司法掮客浮出水面 司法形象坍塌







在中共前重慶市委書記薄熙來案開審前夕,中共前政治局常委兼中央政法委書記周永康,目前也陷入「四面楚歌」,「落定薄熙來 絞殺周永康」風聲四起,傳遍網路。




Netizens Condemn Shanghai Judges Sex Scandal

Shanghai judges’ sex scandal aroused condemnation
online as this still hasn’t been settled.
On August 8, Cui Yadong, acting president of the Shanghai
People’s Higher Court claimed during a city-level meeting that
the judges’ sex scandal gave enemy forces
an opportunity to use it against them.
Cui’s remarks once again triggered netizens’ condemnation.

Beijing netizen@little-hare said that they did shameful thing
but it is not allowed to be discussed?
A Judge is a top person in the Court,
yes judges hired prostitutes, Should Cui Yadong resign?

A Guangzhou netizen said:”as the court is so corrupted, do
you need enemy forces? Don’t value yourself too much.”

Shanghai netizen Mr. Hua questioned that if judges solicited
prostitutes, it was that caused by enemy forces?
Does hiring prostitutes relate to enemy forces?

Judicial “Broker” Reflects Judiciary Reputational Collapse

Following Shanghai judges sex scandal and enemy forces topic,
Shanghai lawyers scandals were exposed.

On August 9, China’s 21st Century Business Herald news-
paper reported that in Shanghai judges sex scandal’s case,
lawyer Shou was suspected of acting as a “Judicial Broker”.

Shou was taken away for investigation by
Shanghai Judicial officials.

The Report said that Shou has close ties with Zhao Minghua,
vice president of Shanghai High Court.
Lawyer Shou helped other lawyers met with Zhao,
then Shou obtained commission from it.
A Shanghai senior lawyer, who requested anonymity said that

after knowing Zhao, the cases that these lawyers are dealing
with and cases in Zhao’s jurisdiction likely will be misjudged.

Sources said that “Judicial Broker” commonly exists in
Mainland China. Commission can be up to 30% of legal fees.

Tang Jitian, a lawyer in China told Deutsche Welle that

the judges’sex scandal and “Judicial Broker” will become
landmark incidents of Judiciary image collapse.

Netizen Posting Photo of Zhou is Uncensored

Before former Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai’s trial, Zhou
Yongkang, former head of Public Security is facing trouble.
“Settled Bo Xilai, Killing Zhou Yongkang” posts are
spread over the Internet.

Netizens circulated an article on Sina Weibo
from overseas writer Niu Lei’s blog.
Netizens added Zhou’s photo as “Most Wanted”.
Surprisingly, the posts hadn’t been deleted from Sina Weibo.

Analysts said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
high-level are fiercely infighting.
Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang
obviously are prevailing right now.
In order to survive, Jiang’s faction has to throw out Zhou
hence his reputational damage is left uncensored.
