【禁聞】新陣容亮相 中共政法委大洗牌?
















採訪/常春 編輯/王子琦 後製/陳建銘

New Lineup of China´s Political and Law Commission

On April 7th, The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced
its new members of the Political and Law Commission (PLC).
Within the 11 members, Meng Jianzhu from the Central
Committee will be the secretary of the new PLC.
This has broken the convention, which a member of
the Standing Committee was the secretary of the PLC.
Observers think that the CCP has
changed the makeup of the PLC.
Let´s find out what other changes has been made.

After the 18th Congress and the two sessions,
the CCP has made two major adjustments.
The 11 members of the new PLC include Meng Jianzhu,
Central Political Commission member and secretary of the PLC;
Guo Shengkun, a State Councilor member and
director of the Ministry of Public Security;
Zhou Qiang, director of the Supreme People’s Court;

and Cao Jianming, director of the
Supreme People’s Procuratorate.

The remaining seven members include
five high level officials and two active duty generals.
They are Zhou Benshun, secretary of
the Central Political Commission,
Geng Huichang, secretary of Public Security;
Wu Aiying, director of the Ministry of Justice;
Li Dongsheng, deputy secretary and
deputy director of the Ministry of Public Security;
General Du Jincai, deputy director of the
General Political Department;
General Wang Jianping, commander of the
Armed Police Force;
And Chen Xunqiu, deputy secretary of the Central
Political Commission and director of the Central
Commission for Comprehensive Management.

Wang Shengjun, who has been elected vice chairman of the
Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,
will no longer serve as a member of the PLC.
Zhou Benshun, the Hebei Provincial Party Committee
Secretary, will retain leadership of the PLC.
This last change is expected to be adjusted later.

In the past, the secretary of the central PLC was headed
by a member of the Politburo Standing Committee,
but Men Jianzhu changes that.

Thus, some observers think that the CCP did it
in order to cater to public opinion.
However, Liu Qi Kun, political commentator,
does not agree.

Political commentator Liu Qikun: “The PLC is a command
structure of the CCP´s violent suppression machine.
It is very important for the CCP´s survival and rule.

I believe the Chinese people hate the PLC so much that
they don´t care who the officials of the PLC are.
Of course, that also means the CCP does not need to comply
with public opinion—either consent or disagreement.”

The PLC serves as management unit of the
CCP´s political and legal work.
From a broad view, it is the leader for departments of
public security, national security, justice, the courts,
this includes work of the Procuratorate, as well as
branch PLC in provincial and autonomous regions.

Many Chinese people and democratic activists
have taken the PLC as their enemy.
They have continued to ask for the removal of the PLC.

However, Liu Qi Kun points out that it is impossible
because the CCP dictatorship needs it to rule.

Political commentator Lin Zixu analyses that the
changes of the PLC are only due to changing of leadership.
The nature of the CCP remains the same.
The control is still in the Central Standing Committee.

Lin Zixu: “The secretary of the PLC may be at a lower level.

However, the new PLC is still above all
the controlling units of the regime.
Some people say that without Zhou Yongkang, the PLC
will show changes. These ideas are not realistic at all.”

Some reports claimed that Zhou Qiang and Cao Jianming,

supreme law, and the head of the Supreme People ‘s
Procuratorate both graduated from a famous law school
with advanced degrees.
Therefore, the new lineup of the PLC with officials from
Law school will become the front-line practicing cadres.

Liu Qikun points out that the current changes are not
due to a benevolent government or political reform,
but more likely due to needs arising from
the power struggle within the party.

Liu Qikun: “When Zhou Yongkang was a member of
the Politburo Standing Committee, he was also in control
of the armed police.
Thus, he was a threat not only to other members of
the Politburo Standing Committee but also
to the General Secretary of the CCP.
Now, the PLC secretary´s power is reduced.
I believe that it is the result of a power struggle
within the party.”

Lin Zihu also points out that during these years of
suppressing people, the PLC´s power has continued to grow.
It has become a fourth power besides the party,
political and military powers.
This fourth power eventually has to go back to
the General Secretary of the party,
so the secretary of the PLC is nothing
but a decorative piece.
