【禁聞】新疆暴力不斷 習近平遇新挑戰
















採訪/易如 編輯/李謙 後製/鍾元

Xi』s New Challenge in Xinjiang

During Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) two sessions
violent events occurred frequently in Xinjiang, highlighting the growing ethnic issues in China.
Sources alleged that public security and armed police forces
in Xinjiang have been ordered to enter Class A alert.
Part of southern Xinjiang had curfew,
non-residents weren’t allowed to go out at night.
After the power transfer of the top CCP level,
the leaders are facing new challenges on ethnic issues.

On March 11, the World Uyghur Congress held in Geneva
International Symposium on China’s ethnic problems.
Nearly hundred people from 21 countries and regions
attended the meeting.
Representatives emphasized the importance of unity,
cooperation and peaceful resistance by oppressed nations.
To avoid continuation and expansion of the conflict,
CCP’s new leadership headed by Xi Jinping must review and change existing national policies.

The current situation in Xinjiang is extremely serious.

According to online news, public security and armed police
forces in Xinjiang are at the highest state of alert, Class A.
The news was confirmed by a Hotan policeman.
Part of southern Xinjiang is under curfew.
For the Aksu area this is from 1am to dawn;
if police finds someone outside, they would immediate investigated him.

A violent incident occurred in the afternoon of March 7,
in Korla, Xinjiang.
The mainland official claimed that the incident caused
four deaths and eight injuries, but refused to disclose the victims’nd the suspects’identities.
Sources said, Uighurs and Han people quarreled,
and Uighurs got armed with knives to attack Han people.
Another source alleged that the event was
due to a gambling dispute.
After the suspect lost money in the gamble,
he immediately drew his knife and attacked Han people.
This is an ordinary criminal case. But since it is sensitive,
insiders don’t want to disclose the identity of the suspect.
After the incident, martial law was introduced in Korla,
the armed police searched for suspicious persons around.

Hong Kong’ Oriental Daily reported, after Korla’s violent
incident, Kashi and Hotan had similar incidents too.
Hotan local police stations have been attacked
by Uighurs, throwing petrol bombs.

Mainland’s pro-democracy activist Cai Guihua, living in US,
said China’s ethnic issues had a long history.
The fundamental reason is CCP’use of national chauvinism,
repressing minorities for their culture and politics,
and plundering their economy and resources,
which is damaging to their development, Cai thinks.

Cai Guihua: “This can only make the minority areas’
statist contradictions more and more (severe.)
Resistance will be more serious. These are consequences
caused by the central government."

Zhao Shilin is a professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies
at the Central University for Nationalities in China.
Prof. Zhao thinks China should learn from the US
and other countries, and truly respect minority’cultures.

Professor Zhao Shilin: “Hard repression in modern society
is not only inconsistent with the principles of civilization, but is also unable to achieve a stable resolution.
So one should be kind, respectful to other people and their
culture, as well as their economic and political rights.
This could be a centripetal force,
generating real national unity."

Zhao Shilin also said, according to his information sources,
the authorities may make a change to ethnic policies.

Zhao Shilin: “It certainly has to change and adjust.
The autonomous rights should be further implemented, or else there will be big troubles.
They should review the past ethnic policies;
hard suppression will certainly not do."

But Cai Guihua expressed doubts; after Xi-Li took power
as CCP’ and China’ senior leaders he did not see any changes in CCP’s minorities policies.

Dawa Tsering, chairman of the Dalai Lama Tibet Religious
Foundation, also said, the CCP is unlikely to change its most fundamental ethnic policy.
That is, religion must become a tool of the CCP, different
cultures and languages must also be embraced by the CCP.

Dawa Tsering: “Implementing the most fundamental
policies will not make a big (impact) on the whole.
Because of its framework, some small changes
will not have substantial effects."

Dawa Tsering stressed that the Chinese society needs to
really become diverse and open, respecting religions, languages, and cultures of various ethnic groups.
Otherwise, if CCP continues to follow the ‘carrot and stick’
approach, there will be no substantial change.
