



薄熙來主政重慶期間,北京律師李莊因曝光重慶「打黑」運動中的酷刑逼供,而遭重慶「黑打」、被抓入獄。 3月5號,熟知重慶官場的李莊,通過《新浪》微博發言,對黃奇帆的說法進行了駁斥。這被外界看作是:李莊公開與黃奇帆隔空交火。



李莊:「因為前一批還沒有處理完,處理完再說吧。這些視頻也不在我的手裡,是記者找我來諮詢。我說:你們先不要曝,等第一批處理完再說。 」









採訪/陳漢 編輯/李謙 後製/鍾元

The Indecent Videos Exposure’ Case Continues

The indecent videos’case exposed after the 18th NPC
(National People’s Congress) continues to raise concerns.
Chongqing’ Mayor Huang Qifan claimed before the media
that the involved officials were punished, and no other officials were involved in the case.
This however is being questioned by the public.

Li Zhuang, former Beijing lawyer said, the videos’case
has not been unveiled completely, and not all exposed officials have been punished either.

On March 4, Chongqing’Mayor Huang Qifan attended
the Chinese Communist Party'(CCP) two sessions in Beijing.
He accepted media interviews and responded to questions
on the Chongqing’s indecent videos’ case for the first time.
He said, the involved officials were investigated and fired,
stressing that no other officials were involved in the case.

However, netizens thought this is “too absolute,"
and questioned Huang’s words as “lying."

When Bo Xilai ruled Chongqing, Li Zhuang, Beijing lawyer
exposed Chongqing’s ‘combating triads’campaign,
and the use of torture to extract confessions,
but was then arrested and imprisoned.
On March 5th, Li Zhuang, who is familiar with Chongqing’s
officialdom, refuted on Sina microblog Huang’s claims.
This was seen as a fight
between Li Zhuang and Huang Qifan.

Li Zhuang, former Beijing lawyer: “Firstly, there are still
videos unexposed, which is for sure;
secondly, regarding the exposed videos,
not all involved officials have been punished."

Li Zhuang told NTD television that it was not convenient
to expose more indecent videos to the outside world.

Li Zhuang: “Because the investigation and punishing
of the people from the previous batch has not finished, I’ll wait until it is concluded.
These videos are not in my hands, a reporter just consulted
me, and I advised not to expose them as yet, but to wait until the matters are concluded with the first batch."

Political commentator Xing Tianxing spoke about
the fight between Li Zhuang and Huang Qifan.
Xing believes, Li Zhuang’s actions are to warn
mainland China’ rulers not to ignore the public’s opinion.

Xing Tianxing, political commentator: “As a lawyer,
Li Zhuang analyzed Huang’s claims from his point of view.
This was actually suggesting to those in power now,
people are watching this case, as well as your actions."

From 2008 to 2009, Xiao Ye, Chongqing’property developer,
and others tried to get hold of a government project.
Thus they decided and secretly videotaped cases
of promiscuous behavior of many Chongqing officials.
However, these officials were protected by Bo Xilai, CCP’
secretary of Chongqing, and Wang Lijun, director of the city’s Public Security Bureau.
However, with the downfall of Bo Xilai,
this indecent videos’case had come to light again.
Lei Zhengfu, CCP secretary of Beibei district in Chongqing,
and another 10 officials were removed from office.
Chongqing’s State system, in charge of which was Huang,
had a number of officials dismissed, becoming a’disaster zone’from the exposed videos.

For the media Huang said that taking adulterous videos
is a triad’s practice, and officials were “enticed and fooled."

Li Zhuang: “We’re talking anti-corruption, how could this be
called ‘enticing’or blackmailing? Those are criminal cases.
We are talking about officials’corruption, how can this
be called ‘being fooled’? The use of the words is wrong."

Xing Tianxing pointed out that Chongqing’s authorities
arrested Zhao Hongxia, the heroine in the video,
but nothing was said about the officials involved in this
corruption, the crime acts, and the interest groups behind.
They were not investigated.
Huang’s saying was to confuse the public.

Xing Tianxing: “As for Li Xinzheng, citizens actually use
Chongqing’s case as a validation to how far they would go.
Anti-corruption is in the end just a blab,
a phenomenon of mere formality."

Xing discussed Huang’s claims that the involved officials
were investigated and dismissed, and no other officials were involved in the case.
The political commentator thinks this applies
only to the single issue of officials’prurience;
the public expects these officials to be actively exposed,
and the huge corruption behind these officials investigated.
