【禁聞】加政府新機構 捍衛全球宗教自由




哈珀:「在中國,跟政府意見不同的基督徒被趕入地下,宗教領袖被逮捕和關押。新疆穆斯林,西藏佛教徒,法輪功學員被鎮壓和恐嚇。面對這些不公及暴行,加拿大不會保持沉默 」









加拿大宗教自由辦公室將有5名全職員工,包括40歲的主管伯納多博士(Andrew Bennett),他是一名天主教徒。而辦公室每年預算為500萬加元,主要工作是推廣、分析、政策開發,關注受到威脅和迫害的宗教信仰群體,反對宗教仇視及打壓,同時在全球推廣加拿大的價值觀。

採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/肖顏

Canada’s New Body for Defending Global Religious Freedom

On February 19, Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper
announced in Toronto the establishment of Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Office of Religious Freedom.
He said, in China, the Falun Gong practitioners, underground
Christians, Tibetan Lamas, and Uighur Muslims are groups that need protection, and Canada will not be silent.

On Tuesday, Canada’s Premier Stephen Harper announced
the establishment of an Office of Religious Freedom (ORF).
The Office will be in the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade and will be responsible for promoting freedom of religion and belief around the world.
Hundreds of people from different faith groups
attended his news conference on the issue.
Harper said that the violations of religious freedom
in the world are “widespread” and increasing.”

The Premier specifically mentioned
the religious persecutions in China, Iran and Pakistan,
and especially China’s persecution of Falun Gong,
Christians, Uyghur Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists.

Harper said: ‘In China, Christians who worship outside
government-approved boundaries are driven underground and their religious leaders arrested and detained,
while Uyghur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists, and Falun Gong
practitioners are subjected to repression and intimidation.
“In the face of these injustices and atrocities,
Canada will not remain silent.”

Dr. Andrew Bennett was appointed as an Ambassador
of the new ORF: “I am in the road in a missions talking about religious freedom in those countries where
there is a challenge to support people seeking to practice their faith to love their faith.
So, you know I think it’s a lot about the government wanting to promote the aspect of human rights. So I am looking forward to working with my colleague, and support the effort.”

After the speech, Harper answered reporters’ questions.

A reporter asked when conducting trade with countries like
China, how should the relationship between trade, human rights and freedom of religious belief be balanced.
Harper said that Canada’s foreign policy has three important
aspects: democracy and the values of Canada, domestic and international security and peace, and trade relations.
Harper believes that all of these goals can be achieved
if they are dealt with appropriately.
He also said, people must be very careful not to undermine
Canada’s values in any commercial or other relations.

Sheng Xue, Global Chairman of Democratic China
was at the press conference.
Sheng pointed out, Canada’s setting up this ORF
is to promote freedom of religious beliefs in the world.

Sheng Xue: “It is not just inside Canada, it has taken up
such a responsibility to intervene and pay attention to wherever persecution of religious beliefs exists in the world.
This is a great encouragement for many, many people.”

Sheng Xue said, in the six decades of Chinese Communist
Party’ (CCP) rule, almost all religions and beliefs are being persecuted and suppressed.

Sheng Xue: “The most typical example is the event of 1999,
the start of the Falun Gong faith group persecution.
It can be said, this has become the pinnacle of persecution,
because it (CCP) used all the social classes, all the regions,
and even the entire system to implement a full on
repression of the Falun Gong faith group.”

Zhou Limin from the Falun Dafa Association of Canada,
was invited to participate in the news conference.
She said, for many years now CCP is using lies as bargaining
power for trade, which let the Western governments dare not speak about the Falun Gong issues.

Zhou Limin: “Premier Harper speaks out this time in such
a nationwide attention drawing manner, ‘we are not afraid.’
Especially highlighting the persecution of Falun Gong,
in Canada many people do not know about it.
In the situation where the media is highly concerned, him
mentioning this issue as a head of state is really significant.”

Canada’s ORF will have five full-time employees,
including Dr. Andrew Bennett, who is a Catholic.
Its annual budget is 5 million Canadian dollars, and its main
activities will be to promote analyze and develop policies,
concerning threatened and persecuted religious groups,
religious hatred and suppression, while promoting Canada’s values to the world.
