








美議員致信國務卿 促關注高智晟

2月18號,美國國會資深眾議員弗蘭克-沃爾夫(Frank Wolf)致信新上任的美國國務卿約翰-凱瑞,呼籲美國政府關注中國維權律師高智晟遭受迫害的案子,並敦促中共當局釋放高智晟。






西藏人權與民主中心的消息說,自焚的兩名男青年是17歲的仁青(Rinchen)和18歲的索南達傑(Sonam Dhargye)。目前,兩人的遺體已被家人帶返家園。自焚地區被封鎖。


Gimmicks Concealed in Beijing’s Hacking Denial

A U.S. cyber security firm traced cyber-attacks to China’s
army unit, which has aroused global public attention.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Foreign Ministry,
the Department of Defense, and the military have all repeatedly denied the accusation.
They alleged it was a common practice that hackers had
tapped IP addresses for the purposes of cyber attacks.
Network security experts said there are gimmicks concealed
in the CCP’s denial.

BBC Chinese version website reported on the comment by
Steve Tsang, a security expert from Nottingham University.
Tsang said that technically, hackers may use third-party
computers to launch cyber attacks.
But the problem is that many cyber attacks can be traced
to the same building which houses China’s military unit.
If China’s military wasn’t the hacking origin, has China’s
Military computers all been hijacked and the IP addresses
taken to invade U.S. companies’ computer systems?

Steve Tsang said CCP’s defense is to ask the U.S. to show
more concrete evidences; otherwise, it will deny everything.
More detailed proof will provide the key for the CCP
to access U.S. defense resources and information.

Online “Jasmine Event” Commemoration Whistle-Blower Zhou Yongkang

China’s rights activists initiated a campaign on the internet
to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the “Jasmine event”.
Many victims of the “forced disappearance” taken by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) joined the activity.
They agreed that in recent years, the “Jasmine event” was
the biggest rights abuse case that the CCP has committed.

In February 2011, many netizens forwarded
a message about the “Jasmine Revolution".
They were soon captured and detained by the authorities.
An online list of victim names covered 130 people.

Radio Free Asia reported that Sichuan’s rights activist Chen
Yunfei said the “Jasmine Revolution” was quiet in China.
Since the Zhou Yongkang force feared losing power, they
launched a crackdown on pro-democracy activists, rights
activists, human rights lawyers, and on media professionals.
That has created lots of injustices, he said.

According to Chen, online “Jasmine event” commemoration
is also a real-name whistle-blowing of Zhou Yongkang’s persecution of human rights.

US Congressman Urges Official Raising Gao Zhisheng’s Case

On February 18, U.S. veteran Congressman Frank Wolf
sent a letter to New Secretary of State John Kerry.
Congressman Wolf appealed to the U.S. government to publicly
raise Gao Zhisheng’s case, a jailed human rights lawyer in China.
He urged the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to release Gao.

He said Gao Zhisheng “has suffered greatly at the hands
of his own government just for being a Christian.”
Gao has also been punished for defending the persecuted.

“I urge you, in your new position, to publicly and privately
raise the case of Gao Zhisheng.” said Congressman Wolf in his letter to John Kerry.

Gao Zhisheng is reportedly being held in Xinjiang’s
Shaya prison, his family is hardly allowed to visit him.

Two More Tibetan Youths Self-Immolate

On February 19 in Aba, Sichuan Province, two more Tibetans
self-immolated in protest of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

According to Tibetan Centre for Human Rights & Democracy,
two self-immolators were young men.
Rinchen was 17, and Sonam Dhargye was 18 years old

Both families have taken back their bodies,
while the local region has been blocked.
