
【新唐人2013年02月15日訊】 韓國:朝鮮會進行第四次核試驗








廣東兩村械鬥一死三傷 警鳴槍鎮壓




甘肅藏人自焚身亡 第101名自焚藏人




South Korea: North Korea will perform the fourth nuclear test.

South Korea National Intelligence Academy pointed out that
72 hours after the third nuclear test,
it’s likely that North Korea will perform a fourth nuclear test.

According to the report of “Radio Free Asia”, the third nuclear
test, equivalent to 6000 to 7000 tons TNT explosive power
didn’t count as successful. So North Korea may perform an
additional or more tests to acquire nuclear bomb technology.

Busy markets become petition sites.

The Beijing petition department did nothing and
the local government cut off petitioners.
So petitioners changed their petition methods during
Chinese New Year.
Using the busy markets of Beijing and Shanghai,
the petitioners spoke out about the injustice they suffered.

On February 14th 56 peasants who lost land and civil right
person gathered at Tiananmen square to tell their injustices.
They held up their civil right slogans to tell their injustice
to the pedestrians.
Soon, about ten police officers rushed to them and
confiscated their slogans.
The police brutally beat them and two petitioners
were beaten to the point of injury.

Now, these petitioners were detained in a dark room
in “Ma Jialou”, they will face repatriate to their villages.

In Shanghai, on the fourth day of Chinese New Year, seven
petitioners went to “Qibao town”-a famous tourist sights.
They were, holding up slogans to petition.

Fighting between two villages. One died and three are injured,
police shot to crack down on them

The third day into the Chinese new year,
Villagers in two villages in Wuchuan city,
Guangdong province broke out with large scale
fighting over land problems. It led to one death and three injured.

According to report of “Chinese Jasmine Revolution" website,

many villagers from Zhongtang village with knives and iron
rods were going to take revenge on villagers of Zhenwu village.
They wrongly injured one villager of Zhenwu village.
It led to villagers’ fight between two villages.
During the fighting, one villager of Zhongtan was stabbed
in the thigh severing an artery.
Due to excessive bleeding, the villager died on
the way to the hospital.
Another three villagers were also cut sustaining
serious injuries.
In mediating, Director of police station was surrounded by
villagers and beaten. Some police shot in the air to create panic.

On the fourth day of Chinese New Year, villagers from
two villages again started fighting in Dungu village commission.
Three vehicles were overturned. The authority dispatched
a lot of police to crack down on them.
Most men from Zaiwu village ran away.
Now, the event is developing.

The 101th Tibetan self-immolated to death.

To protest at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Tibetan
policy, on 14th February, Tibetan Pearl Baca in Gannan state,
Gansu province, self-immolated and died. He is the 101st
Tibetan in China who self-immolated since 2009.

26-years old Pearl Baca left behind a wife
and three children.
