



在《騰訊》微博上,更有24萬多人參與了討論,近2萬轉載。網友(陳堅奮)寫道:這是甚麼歧視哇?本來說是公僕的,現在歧視主人了,真是翻身的農民比地主還狠。另一名叫Hujinpeng的網友說: 政治和工農階級早已劃清了界限。當下社會,官僚階層世代為官,奴民階層世代為奴。



大陸法律服務人員 李雙德:「中共分為體制內的人和體制外的人,體制內的人控制體制外的人。體制內的人,一,應當是具有中共共產黨黨員身份﹔第二,還必須是具有中共共產黨組織部管理的幹部,這些是屬於體制內的人。」


深圳自由撰稿人 郭永豐:「按著現實,確實工人就是終身的工人,農民就是終身的農民,幹部就是終身的幹部,世襲制。這個幹部實際上說了一個實話,但是按照憲法來說他是違憲的,但是現實共產黨也是違憲的。共產黨本身就是踐踏自己所制定的憲法。」

《中華人民共和國憲法 》的第一條就是:「中華人民共和國是工人階級領導的、以工農聯盟為基礎的人民民主專政的社會主義國家。」





按照憲法,簽署晉升令是「中華人民共和國」 軍委主席的職權,不是中共軍事委員會主席的職責。


採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

China’s Workers Excluded Promotion to be Leaders

On Feb. 6, the People’s Daily, official media of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), reported on Zhao Zhengyong answering netizens’ questions.
Zhao is the Party chief of Shaanxi Province.

In his replies, Zhao said that workers are not allowed
to be promoted to leaders.
The remarks are deemed true, having caused
a big stir in China and overseas.

In response to the question of whether a worker
can be promoted to be a cadre, Zhao replied that based
on the Party’s relevant ordinance, leader candidates
are only selected among cadres.
In 2009, CCP standing committee of Hancheng city
in Shaanxi, passed a resolution.
It stated, “Workers who have been transferred to public
sector organizations are not allowed to be promoted to leadership.”

This latest guideline of CCP cadre selection immediately
created backlash among netizens.
Over 50,000 people participated in a discussion on this topic
on the Netease web portal, many showing discontent.

On Tencent micro-blog service, over 240,000 people joined
a similar discussion, plus nearly 20,000 re-posted the article.
A netizen wrote, “What kind of discrimination is it?

In the past, officials professed to be public servants,
but now they dare to discriminate against the master.”
Another posted, “Politics has already drawn
a clear line between workers and peasants.
In today’s China, bureaucrats are selected to be officials
for generations, while civilians are slaves for generations.”

Due to strong public backlash, the CCP authorities
quickly removed the article.

Li Shuangde, a legal service staff in China, says that
workers are not included in the CCP ruling elite. rather, they are the target to be kept under control.
Li interprets that the masses heard it from Shaanxi’s top
leader, which is completely different from CCP’s daily propaganda.
The sharp contrast thus aroused strong public revulsion.

Li Shuangde: “The CCP divides the Chinese into two groups,
people within the CCP ruling elite group and those outside it.
The former always control the latter.

To be a member of the CCP ruling elite, a person shall meet
the following conditions.- he shall hold CCP membership
and he shall be a cadre under administration of CCP
Organization Department."

Now media reports of Zhao Zhengyong’s replies have
been changed to the following –
“CCP and governmental cadres will be selected and trained
from grass-roots (level) and from a broader range.”
Reportedly, Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee recently
decided to select cadres from front-line workers and from ordinary farmers.
The CCP Shaanxi Organization Department is developing
the details on the qualification and recruiting procedures.

(Shenzhen freelancer) Guo Yongfeng: “Workers cannot
get rid of worker status, and neither can farmers and cadres.
That’s the reality in China, a sort of hereditary system.

This official actually told a truth, which is against
the Constitution.
In fact, the CCP itself violates the Constitution
that it formulated.”

The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China,
Article 1. The P. R. China is a socialist state under
the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class
and based on the alliance of workers and peasants."

A New Zealand netizen gave a new interpretation
of the working class.
He said that workers are those who are doing the work.

“The working class is the leading class of the country,
is nothing but a disguise,” said the netizen.

Guo Yongfeng: “Can these officials represent
the working class?
Do they have anything with the workers?
Nothing at all!
They’re all ruling elite, China’s emerging noble strata,
who follow a hereditary system."

BBC Chinese version website published
an article authored by a Chinese netizen.
It said that Zhao Zhengyong shouldn’t be blamed,
for he just reveals a reality in China.
And people also shouldn’t be happy for
Zhao’s later rewording.
This is because that in China, the Constitution cannot
be put into practice, let alone a provincial Party chief’s words.

On Dec. 4, 2012, at a conference marking the 30th
anniversary of the Constitution’s promulgation
and implementation, new CCP leader Xi Jinping said,
“Any organization or individual shall not have the privilege
to overstep the Constitution, and all violations
of the Constitution and the laws shall be criminally investigated.”
However, on November 23, Xi unconstitutionally signed
a Promotion Order.
He elevated Commander of the Second Artillery Corps
to be general.

The Constitution provides that Chairman of P.R. China’s
Military Commission has authority to sign the Promotion Order, rather than the CCP’s Military Commission Chairman.

In this light, it’s not easy to change CCP officials’ habits
of violating the Constitution.
